Necklace Wiring
NOTE: The G pin on the Trinket and on the Backpack Charger both have two wires attached. Take note and solder them in at the same time.
- Neopixel 5v to Trinket BAT
- Neopixel Din to Trinket #4
- Neopixel G to Trinket G
- Backpack Chgr BAT to Trinket BAT
- Backpack Chgr G to Trinket G AND to Induction Coil -
- Backpack Chgr 5v to Induction Coil +
- Backpack Chgr switch pins to Mercury Tilt or Vibration Switch (cut the trace before soldering to activate the switch)
- Backpack Chgr + and - to battery + and - (remove the connectors and solder directly for a smaller form factor)
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