The remainder of the lessons in this series are designed to lead you through various aspects of both electronics and programming the Arduino.
They follow in a logical order, with each lesson building on the lessons that have come before.
- Lesson 1. Blink
- Lesson 2. LEDs
- Lesson 3. RGB LEDs
- Lesson 4. Eight LEDs and a Shift Register
- Lesson 5. The Serial Monitor
- Lesson 6. Digital Inputs
- Lesson 7. Make an RGB LED Fader
- Lesson 8. Analog Inputs
- Lesson 9. Sensing Light
- Lesson 10. Making Sounds
- Lesson 11. LCD Displays - Part 1
- Lesson 12. LCD Displays - Part 2
- Lesson 13. DC Motors
- Lesson 14. Servo Motors
- Lesson 15. DC Motor Reversing
- Lesson 16. Stepper Motors
About the Author.
Simon Monk is author of a number of books relating to Open Source Hardware. The following books written by Simon are available from Adafruit: Programming Arduino, 30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius and Programming the Raspberry Pi.
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