This series of lessons uses the following parts.
Arduino Uno R3
USB Lead
Half-size Breadboard
5mm Red LED
Diffused RGB LED
270 Ω Resistor (red, purple, brown stripes)
470 Ω Resistor (yellow, purple, brown stripes)
1 kΩ Resistor (brown, black, red stripes)
2.2 kΩ Resistor (red, red, red stripes)
10 kΩ Resistor (brown, black, orange stripes)
100 µF capacitor
74HC595 Shift Register
L293D IC
Tactile push switch
10 kΩ variable resistor (pot)
Photocell (Light Dependent Resistor)
Piezo sounder
LCD Display (16x2 characters)
TMP36 temperature sensor
Small 6V DC Motor
5V Stepper Motor
Servo Motor
PN2222 Transistor
1N4001 diode
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