Clean Up
We recommend using a hobby knife with a new blade to help remove the brim around all of the parts.
If the tolerances for the legs seem too tight, check the inside of the connector for where the z seam might be. Use the tip of the hobby knife clean around the hole.
If the foot has trouble connecting to studs, check the inside of the foot to remove any blobs around the connector.
To remove supports around the face and arms, use Precision Flat Pliers to gip and pull away from the parts.
Adabot Assembly
After cleaning all of the parts, we are ready to assemble our Adabot mini fig!
First attach the hands to each arm. If the tolerances are a bit too tight, we recommend removing a removing a tiny amount of material from the wrist section on the hand. Remove a little at a time until it has a tight fit inside the arm.
Brick Cover
The brick covers only need the edges cleaned if you used a brim. If the tolerances seem too tight on regular lego parts, you might need to adjust the parameters for the studs in the design file. The default diameter is 4.8 but depending on your printer and slice setting you may need to increase it to 4.9 to 5.0
Cover and Decorate
That's it! Now just slide the cover over your webcam or get creative and build a miniature scene to inspire you while pushing pixels!
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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