Unpack NeoPixel LED Strip
Take the NeoPixel strip out of the packaging to get it ready.
Remove the hook and loop banding and unwind the meter long strip onto your work surface.
Data in and out
Locate the data in and data out connectors on each end of the strip.
The cable with the latching tab is Data In and is the start of the NeoPixel strip.
The other end is Data Out and has the last LED in the strip.
Data Out
Locate the data out cable and get it ready to remove.
The data in cable will be soldered to the pins on the QT Py RP2040.
Connect Cable to QT Py
Get the data out cable ready to solder to the QT Py.
The wires might be fused together - if so, peel apart the three wires like the photo.
Tin Wires
Prep the wires using wire strippers to remove a bit of insulation from the tips of each wire.
Use third helping hands to help keep the wires sturdy while soldering.
Tin the wires by adding a bit of solder to them. This will help prevent the strands of wire from fraying.
Solder Wires to QT Py
Use a vise to keep the Qt Py PCB sturdy while soldering.
Solder the red wire to the 5V pin.
Solder the black wire to the GND pin.
Solder the green wire to pin A0.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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