Sand Physics Toy
Build a beautiful 3D printed hourglass physics toy using LED matrices and an Adafruit Feather Sense. Use CircuitPython to simulate particle collision code on a small microcontroller packed with tons of sensors. With built-in lipo charging over USB, your projects can be small and portable!
Sand Toy Upgrade
This is an add-on to Carter Nelson's Time Triangle Thing learn guide. It uses a similar circuit and slight code adjust to make a portable hourglass in a 3D printed case.
This uses the Feather Sense on-board accelerometer to simulate an hourglass with interactive grains of sand. This looks and feels like it’s actually been affected by gravity.
3D Printed Case
The hourglass is made up 3D printed parts that snap fit together. The electronics are housed in the base. The assembly is modular and easy to put together. Parts are 3D printed without any support material.
Project Inspiration
This was inspired by @david_proyectos See his LED hourglass build posted on instagram.
Prerequisite Guides
Take a moment to walk through the following learn guides.
Mini and Small
The LED Matrices are available in 1.2in and 0.8in sized displays. The case was designed for both sizes and feature similar circuits and assembly. The LEDs come in various colors, so there are a few options to choose from.
Parts List
Parts used to build this project.
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