Hardware Screws
Now it’s assembly time! To secure the PCBs to the bottom cover, I suggest using M2.5 (.45 x 5mm) sized machine screws. (These are linked in the parts list in the overview page). We'll need four screws for the Adafruit Feather and two for the NeoPixel stick.
Insert Screws to NeoPixel PCB
The mounting holes on the NeoPixel stick are slightly smaller than M2.5, so I needed to tap them before securing the PCB to the bottom cover. I suggest keeping the screws inserted so the threads just barely poke through the other side – This made securing the PCB to the bottom cover much easier.
Install NeoPixel to Cover
Place the NeoPixel PCB over the two standoffs in that are located in the center of the bottom cover. Follow the orientation in the photo as it's easy to place it incorrectly. Then, press and hold the PCB down making sure the screw threads are being inserted into the standoffs. Use a screw driver to fasten the screws and fully tighten.
Install Feather to Cover
Next, place the Adafruit Feather over the four standoffs like shown in the photo. The microUSB port should be facing the outer edge of the bottom cover. Line up the mounting holes with the standoffs and hold it in place. Then, insert and fasten the machine screws to secure the PCB to the bottom cover.
Install Battery to Cover
I used a small piece of mounting putty to tack the battery to the bottom cover – You don't need these but this does keep the battery from moving inside the case. A good spot to tack it is near the NeoPixel stick, like shown in the photo.
Install Switch
Lastly, fit the switch into the holder in between the three walls with the cutout in the lip of the cover. Press it down to snap into place. At this point, I adjusted the wiring so that it's tidy and fully contained within the lip of the bottom cover.
Install Case to Cover
Now we can fit the case over the bottom cover making sure to properly align the two parts. The case has two openings on one side, these are to allow microUSB port and the slide switch. Once in place, press the two parts together to lock them shut.
Rubber Bumper Feet
I added little rubber feet to the four corners of the bottom cover. Just to give the bottom some grip when it's on a table – Otherwise it's pretty slippery and won't stay put.
Install Acrylic to Case
And that’s pretty much it for the assembly. All that’s left to do is install the Acrylic sign. And this just clicks into place. Depending on the tolerances, you may need to apply some force or use a filing tool to sand down the edges of the slot. The tolerances were pretty tight in mine, which made the acrylic fairly secured to the case.
Recharging Battery
One of the many features of the Adafruit Feather is built-in battery recharging. Simply plug in a microUSB cable from the board to your computers USB hub or a 5V USB power supply to recharge the battery. The Adafruit Feather has a recharging battery LED indicator that lights up yellow to let you know it's recharging.
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