Riot API Key
We'll use the Riot Games developer API to make our queries and retrieve our Summoner's level statistic. In order to do so, you'll need to register for a free account with Riot Games and get your API key.
First, you'll need to have a League of Legends account login, and have played the game so that you have selected a Summoner name. Head here to get started or to log in.
Once you've verified your account via email, and created your Summoner name, you can proceed to create a developer account. Head here to do so
When you create your developer account, you'll be given a development API key. Keep that key (or the email containing it) handy, we'll need to copy and paste it into our code in a moment. The key will appear in your Riot Games dashboard for future reference.
Note, this key will expire after 24 hours and needs to be regenerated. It will get us going at first, but later we'll look at creating a Personal App with a permanent key.
You'll need to place the API key in your settings.toml file as shown below using a text editor or Mu:
CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID = "your_wifi_ssid" CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD = "your_wifi_password" LEAGUE_TOKEN = "your_very_long_riot_dev_api_key"
Add CircuitPython Code and Assets
In the embedded code element below, click on the Download Project Bundle button, and save the .zip archive file to your computer.
Then, uncompress the .zip file, it will unpack to a folder named PyPortal_LeagueLevel.
Copy the contents of the PyPortal_LeagueLevel directory to your PyPortal CIRCUITPY drive.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 John Edgar Park for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ This project will access the League of Legends API, grab a Summoner's Level and display it on a screen. You'll need a Riot API key in your file If you can find something that spits out JSON data, we can display it! """ import os import time import board from adafruit_pyportal import PyPortal #Choose a valid Summoner name SUMMONER_NAME = "RiotSchmick" # Set up where we'll be fetching data from DATA_SOURCE = ""+SUMMONER_NAME DATA_SOURCE += "?api_key=" + os.getenv("LEAGUE_TOKEN") DATA_LOCATION = ["summonerLevel"] CAPTION = "SUMMONER "+SUMMONER_NAME # the current working directory (where this file is) cwd = ("/"+__file__).rsplit('/', 1)[0] pyportal = PyPortal(url=DATA_SOURCE, json_path=(DATA_LOCATION), status_neopixel=board.NEOPIXEL, default_bg=cwd+"/lol_background.bmp", text_font=cwd+"/fonts/Collegiate-50.bdf", text_position=(135, 200), text_color=0xffbe33, caption_text=CAPTION, caption_font=cwd+"/fonts/Collegiate-24.bdf", caption_position=(5, 20), caption_color=0xffbe33) # track the last value so we can play a sound when it updates last_value = 0 while True: try: value = pyportal.fetch() print("Response is", value) if last_value < value: # ooh it went up! print("New level!") pyportal.play_file(cwd+"/triode_low_fade.wav") last_value = value except (ValueError, RuntimeError, ConnectionError, OSError) as e: print("Some error occurred, retrying! -", e) #check again in two minutes time.sleep(60*2)
Editing the Code
You can edit the file with any text editor you like. Adafruit suggests installing the free Mu Python editor as it's super handy, recognizes Adafruit boards, and has a built in serial monitor/REPL to interact with the board. Find out more about Mu here.
Add Summoner Name
Open up in Mu and then edit the SUMMONER_NAME
variable to whichever one you want to display.
For the Summoner named Ohbowz, that line will look something like this:
When you're done, save the file again to your PyPortal's CIRCUITPY drive.
This is what the final contents of the CIRCUITPY drive will look like:

The League of Legends Level Viewer is doing a few cool things using CircuitPython and the PyPortal:
Background Splash Screen
First, we'll display a splash screen with the LoL logo. This is a 320x240 pixel RGB 16-bit raster graphic in .bmp format.
We'll be displaying the image title and today's date as text created with a bitmapped font to overlay on top of the background image once that's loaded. The font used here is a bitmap font made from the Collegiate typeface. You can learn more about converting type in this guide.
In order to retrieve the Summoner's level statistic, we'll be making a query to the Riot Games API.
When you make a request of the with your API key added, you'll get a JSON file returned as the response.
In fact, you can run the same query as the PyPortal does to see the result. Copy and paste this link
into your browser, and then copy and past your API key to the end.
When you enter this in your web browser, you'll see a result returned like this:
{ "id": "b6zzOOT1ATbtZtnX9nQ1HLoUNEfOZA8Mr9565oYyfhqO", "accountId": "9Fxgj1Zf5SZSNUWGBcy-aIlviyRwal9t8U8f5nMb-FVpMw", "puuid": "MNEzp8-ybiX49XIssYwrnuVgxDPvaeeYU8AFSKWcV7FnvRHaL8H5wb2HqrbwEU-HOvNXfINHU0rzAw", "name": "RiotSchmick", "profileIconId": 3872, "revisionDate": 1555377428000, "summonerLevel": 138 }
That result is a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) array. It is comprised of a single element with seven key:value pairs. For example, there is one key called name
which has a value of RiotSchmick
which is expressed this way:
"name": "RiotSchmick"
And another we care about is the summonerLevel
key, which has a value of 138
So that is expressed as:
"summonerLevel": 138
Since this JSON object array has a consistent way to return the results to us, the code we're running on the PyPortal can easily parse the data and display it!
Here's what the JSON file looks like in the "code beautifier" of Firefox.
You can see how it's done in this part of
Then, in the pyportal
query we ask for the summonerLevel for a given Summoner name from that URL, and then use the text_
arguments to set the font
, position
, and color
of the text when it is displayed.
pyportal = PyPortal(url=DATA_SOURCE, json_path=(DATA_LOCATION), status_neopixel=board.NEOPIXEL, default_bg=cwd+"/lol_background.bmp", text_font=cwd+"/fonts/Collegiate-50.bdf", text_position=(135, 200), text_color=0xffbe33, caption_text=CAPTION, caption_font=cwd+"/fonts/Collegiate-24.bdf", caption_position=(5, 20), caption_color=0xffbe33)
With all of this prepared, during the main loop of while True:
the code will query the API for the JSON data.
Finally, the text will be displayed over the image.
This updates every two minutes in order to stay current.
Clearly my Gulpfish Summoner has some leveling up to do.
Personal App
In order to use a permanent API key, you'll need to register a personal app. You can do so from your Riot Games developer portal.
Click on the Register Project button, then choose the Register App button under the Personal Application section.
Then, simply fill out the application details, including a unique name for your app, and click Submit. It can take a few days for applications to be reviewed. In the meantime, you may need to regenerate your API key every 24 hours from the dashboard.
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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