It’s natural to dwell on the visual elements of a costume. Consider for a moment though…the surprise of using other senses…sound, in this case…can provide a boost for a quickly-assembled outfit, or something that outwardly resembles conventional dress.
Here’s a mini-project that shows HalloWing being used like a Star Trek communicator badge, or to make video game sounds any time you jump (or both, if you really want to confuse people).
This small 8-Ohm speaker is included in Adabox 009 or is available separately. It features a tiny “PicoBlade” connector that plugs straight into Hallowing. You can use other small speakers but may need to solder wires directly to pads on the board.
There’s a tiny volume dial on HalloWing that can be adjusted with a screwdriver.
Our code uses CircuitPython because it’s super easy to customize for different sounds or graphics.
If you’ve overwritten CircuitPython on your HalloWing board with another project (such as the eye or Minotaur Maze), it’s easy to get it back. Follow the steps in this guide to get the standard CircuitPython firmware onto your board.
This project requires CircuitPython 4.0 or higher for loading BMP images (sound will work with 3.0 or higher) version of CircuitPython. Setup directions are the same as shown in that guide, only the .UF2 file is different:
Here’s the code we’ll be using. Click “Download Project Bundle” to download a ZIP file with this code and the project’s graphics and sound files and required libraries. After uncompressing, navigate to the folder matching your CircuitPython version, and copy all of the files (and the “lib” folder) to the root directory of the CIRCUITPY drive (i.e. not inside a folder…just straight to the drive).
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Phillip Burgess for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ Jump & touch sound example for Adafruit Hallowing. Plays different sounds in response to jumping and capacitive touch pads. """ import time import board import digitalio import displayio import audioio import audiocore import touchio import neopixel def load_wav(name): """ Load a WAV audio file into RAM. @param name: partial file name string, complete name will be built on this, e.g. passing 'foo' will load file 'foo.wav'. @return WAV buffer that can be passed to play_wav() below. """ return audiocore.WaveFile(open(name + '.wav', 'rb')) def play_wav(wav): """ Play a WAV file previously loaded with load_wav(). This function "blocks," i.e. does not return until the sound is finished playing. @param wav: WAV buffer previously returned by load_wav() function. """ # Begin WAV playback while AUDIO.playing: # Keep idle here as long as it plays pass time.sleep(1) # A small pause avoids repeated triggering TOUCH_WAV = load_wav('touch') # WAV file to play when capacitive pads touched JUMP_WAV = load_wav('jump') # WAV file to play when jumping JUMP_THRESHOLD = 4.0 # Higher number = triggers more easily IMAGEFILE = 'mario.bmp' # BMP image to display IS_HALLOWING_M4 = False # Perform a couple extra steps for the HalloWing M4 try: if getattr(board, "CAP_PIN"): IS_HALLOWING_M4 = True # Create digitalio objects and pull low for HalloWing M4 cap_pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.CAP_PIN) cap_pin.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT cap_pin.value = False if getattr(board, "SPEAKER_ENABLE"): # Enable the Speaker speaker_enable = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SPEAKER_ENABLE) speaker_enable.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT speaker_enable.value = True except AttributeError: pass AUDIO = audioio.AudioOut(board.SPEAKER) # Speaker try: board.DISPLAY.auto_brightness = False except AttributeError: pass TOUCH1 = touchio.TouchIn(board.TOUCH1) # Capacitive touch pads TOUCH2 = touchio.TouchIn(board.TOUCH2) TOUCH3 = touchio.TouchIn(board.TOUCH3) TOUCH4 = touchio.TouchIn(board.TOUCH4) # Set up accelerometer on I2C bus, 4G range: i2c = board.I2C() # uses board.SCL and board.SDA # i2c = board.STEMMA_I2C() # For using the built-in STEMMA QT connector on a microcontroller if IS_HALLOWING_M4: import adafruit_msa301 ACCEL = adafruit_msa301.MSA301(i2c) else: import adafruit_lis3dh try: ACCEL = adafruit_lis3dh.LIS3DH_I2C(i2c, address=0x18) # Production board except ValueError: ACCEL = adafruit_lis3dh.LIS3DH_I2C(i2c, address=0x19) # Beta hardware ACCEL.range = adafruit_lis3dh.RANGE_4_G try: board.DISPLAY.brightness = 0 SCREEN = displayio.Group() board.DISPLAY.root_group = SCREEN # CircuitPython 7+ compatible BITMAP = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(IMAGEFILE) TILEGRID = displayio.TileGrid(BITMAP, pixel_shader=BITMAP.pixel_shader) SCREEN.append(TILEGRID) board.DISPLAY.brightness = 1.0 # Turn on display backlight except (OSError, ValueError): pass # If everything has initialized correctly, turn off the onboard NeoPixel: PIXEL = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1, brightness=0) while True: # No freefall detect in LIS3DH library, but it's easily done manually... # poll the accelerometer and look for near-zero readings on all axes. X, Y, Z = ACCEL.acceleration A2 = X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z # Acceleration^2 in 3space (no need for sqrt) if A2 < JUMP_THRESHOLD: # Freefall (or very close to it) detected, play a sound: play_wav(JUMP_WAV) elif TOUCH1.value or TOUCH2.value or TOUCH3.value or TOUCH4.value: # One of the capacitive pads was touched, play other sound: play_wav(TOUCH_WAV)
With the speaker, code and sound/graphics files all correctly installed, you’ll see it does two (or three) things:
- When any of the capacitive pads (skull teeth) are touched, it emits a chirp sound like a Star Trek communicator. Add a magnet or pin back, don a red shirt and black slacks, and ask your host for tea, Earl Grey, hot.
- If you jump while holding HalloWing (or hidden in a pocket or worn on a lanyard), it will make video game jumping sounds … perhaps you have some overalls and a hat? Telling everyone “IT’S A ME!” never gets tired.
- If using a recent version of CircuitPython (4.0.0-alpha1 or later), the Hallowing display can show images … easily switched to other themes if you’d like.
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