On to print! In your print settings/laser driver settings, these raster settings work well on our 35-Watt laser. Consult your laser manual; ours includes recommended settings for rubber stamp material.
Now the stampy part: under the "advanced" tab in our Epilog settings, there's a stamp mode. This allows you to employ "shoulders" to strengthen your graphics when etched into the flexible stamp material, as well as mirror your stamp within the "fence" you made earlier.
Place your material in the laser. Double check your document size, printer settings, and material are all the same in dimension.
Go! You will make multiple passes to achieve the desired depth.
We lasered four stamps to show you the difference between 1-2-3-4 passes.
Remember if you're making more than one stamp to include a fence around all of the stamps!
Rinse your rubber.
This is what the four passes look like starting from the top: four, three, two, one.
This is our first stamp, which had three passes from the laser. It worked ok but had a bit of haloing around the edges! We got our wooden stamper from Laserbits
but you can make your own from wood or whatever's around!
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