Similar to our package, it's important to add a '>Name' and '>Value' label on our symbol so that we can meaningfully identify parts, and display the part values on our schematic.
While it's helpful to drop 10 resistors on your schematic, it doesn't help anyone if you have no way to display what value those resistors should have!
While it's helpful to drop 10 resistors on your schematic, it doesn't help anyone if you have no way to display what value those resistors should have!
Adding >NAME
To add >NAME to our symbol, simply select the 'Text' tool in the left-hand toolbar, and we should get the following dialogue box, where we can enter our text:
After clicking the 'OK' button, we can place the text on top of our part outline, as follows:
As with our package, though, the text should go on a layer dedicated to names, which in the case of our symbol is Layer 95 (Names).
To change the layer of the '>Name' text, simply right-click on the text, and select the 'Properties' item at the bottom of the context menu.
From the 'Properties' dialogue box, changed the text layer to 95, as shown in the image below with the layer selection drop down expanded:
To change the layer of the '>Name' text, simply right-click on the text, and select the 'Properties' item at the bottom of the context menu.
From the 'Properties' dialogue box, changed the text layer to 95, as shown in the image below with the layer selection drop down expanded:
If you did this correctly, the >NAME text should turn gray, to reflect the default color of layer 95!
Adding >VALUE
Adding the >VALUE label is identical to the way we added >NAME, except that >VALUE should be plaved on Layer 96 (Values).After adding the text and placing it on the correct layer, you should end up with something resembling the following in your symbol editor:
Page last edited April 22, 2013
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