Circup is a software utility that makes it easy to install and update the libraries in the lib folder on your CircuitPython devices. It can install new libraries, and also determine if any libraries need updating and perform that updating.
Circup was originally written by Nicholas Tollervey.
This kind of utility is especially useful with some of our M4 CircuitPython devices that can handle lots of libraries such as the Adafruit Grand Central M4 Express.

The PyPortal is packed with so many features, that it uses a lot of libraries, making this tool especially useful.

Our PyGamer and PyBadge also use quite a few libraries.

Another very popular option is the Adafruit Feather M4 Express.

If you would like something in between, you can go with the Adafruit Metro M4 Express.

If you need a Metro M4 that can also do WiFi, you may like the Adafruit Metro M4 Express Airlift Lite.

Page last edited May 19, 2024
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