Before relying on your motion detection system, it's important to verify that all the components work together correctly!
Start by testing the basic communication between your sensor and Adafruit IO. You can monitor this directly through your FunHouse's Device Page. As motion is detected, you should see the PIR sensor's feed updating.
Next, test the physical sensor by moving in front of your PIR motion detector. The sensor should trigger your HomeKit device to turn on when motion is detected and turn off when motion stops. If you notice any delay, this is normal and can be adjusted through the PIR sensor's settings or your HomeKit device's configuration.
- Make sure your Adafruit IO feed is receiving updates from the sensor
- itsaSNAP is logged in with the correct AIO key
- That your HomeKit device is connected correctly to your network
- Check that the correct characteristic (Power State) is selected in itsaSNAP
To manually test the system's communication, use the text field or toggle switch in your Adafruit IO feed to send test values. Send a "1" to simulate motion detection and a "0" to simulate no motion.
Watch your HomeKit device - it should respond to these manual inputs, confirming that the itsaSNAP bridge is functioning correctly.
Once everything is working, try assigning other HomeKit devices to the motion sensor feed.
Page last edited December 03, 2024
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