Apple Shortcuts are only available in the latest version of itsaSNAP on the Apple app store by Adafruit.
itsaSNAP includes several actions for the Apple Shortcuts App, allowing you to integrate Adafruit IO functionality. This project focuses on sending current location weather data from your iPhone to an Adafruit IO feed.
This step will demonstrate how to use itsaSNAP with Apple Shortcuts to send a value to an Adafruit IO feed when the shortcut is ran.
Open Apple Shortcuts on your iPhone or iPad. To create a new shortcut, tap the "+" button.
Add an action
Tap "Add Action". Then, search for Current Weather.
Select the "Location" action, "Get Current Weather"
Tap on the keyboard bar. Then, search for itsaSNAP and select Send Value.
Additionally, I suggest changing the shortcut's name to something unique like "itsaSNAP Forecast Grabber."
Configure Action
Add your feed key and the value you want to send to your Feed here. Tap the Value field and select Current Date and Weather Condition from the keyboard bar (the keyboard bar is scrollable).
Now that your shortcut is assembled, try giving it a test run. Press the Play button at the bottom of the screen.
If all works well, you should see this message prompt, notifying you that your current weather data and time have been sent to your Adafruit IO Weather Feed.
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