Prep 3D Printed Parts
Start by using flat pliers to remove the support material from the iris-box.stl enclosure. Grip onto a chuck of material, twist and pull off all the supports underneath the slide switch clips, usb holes, and all four screw mounts.
Carefully insert the slide switch adapter side-ways into the opening from inside the enclosure.
Solder Wires to Trinket
Position the Trinket inside the enclosure and align the enclosure over the bottom of the IRIS. Measure and cut three wires that will be needed to connect the first NeoPixel ring to the Trinket. Use a panavise jr. to assist holding the Trinket in place while your solder.Fit Wires Inside Enclosure
Carefully insert the three wires through the slit and hole, on the side of the enclosure.Mount Trinket to enclosure
Remove the support material around the slide switch and USB opening. Align the USB port on the Trinket to the USB port hole on the enclosure and use two 2.9mm (#4 x 3/8') plat phillips screws to secure it to the enclosure.
Make sure to tightly fasten the screw so that its flush with the outside of the enclosure box.
Mount Enclosure to IRIS
Position the enclosure on to the bottom of IRIS and line up the mounting holes near the battery door. Use two 3.4mm(#6-32 x 1/2') flat phillips screws with nut to attach the box to the body.Install Power Circuit
Insert the 1200mAh lithium polymer battery into the enclosure with the corners fitting under the tabs and plug it into the slide switch adapter.
Place the PowerBoost 500 on top of the battery and connect it to the Slide Switch and Trinket.
Sealing Enclosure
Adjust the wires and components inside the enclosure, close and snap shut the enclosure. Use 4 (#4 x 3/8') phillips screws to securely close the iris-cover.stl to the iris-box.stl part.
Clip the hooks on to the top of the prop arms by angling the clips up higher.
Once both hooks are snapped into the prop arm, push the front part of the ring clip on to the logo cutout. It should click into place.
Install the iris-ring-holder.stl part on to the bottom of the iris-ring-clip.stl part. Use the #6-32x1/2' flat phillips screws with nuts to join the two mounts together and add a nut to secure the mount.
Wiring First NeoPixel Ring
Choose an arm you'd wish to house the first NeoPixel ring and measure the lengths of wire that will be needed to reach the enclosure box. Solder three wires to the IN, GND and PWR pin on the NeoPixel ring. These three wires need to be soldered to the on the D0, GND and 5V pins on the 5V Trinket. Use a panovise jr. to hold the NeoPixel ring in place while you solder.Hide the Wires
Pop off the clips holding the wires on the bottom of each arm and tuck the wires from the NeoPixel ring in the cavity and secure them with the clips. A flat head screw driver can assist with removing the clips.Fit NeoPixel Wiring into Mount
Slide the wires through the slit of the opening in the iris-ring-holder.stl and position the 3 wires in so it doesn't kink when you press the NeoPixel ring into the part.Install NeoPixel Ring into Mount
Place the NeoPixel Ring inside the iris-ring-holder.stl. Make sure all of the wires are tucked inside the holder carefully, try not to bend or kink!Install Tall Legs
Make space for the legs near the ends of the arms by moving the wire clips after the Leg mounts.
Tighten the nut to lock all three parts into place.
Install LED Diffuser
Slip the diffuser cover over the top of the rings and snap it on to iris-ring-holder.stlConceal Wiring and Tidy Up
Use a couple pieces of electrical tape to secure and hide all to the wires.Page last edited June 16, 2014
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