Analog Devices, known for their reliable and well-documented sensor chips - has a high precision and high resolution temperature sensor on the market, and we've got a breakout to make it easy to use! The Analog Devices ADT7410 gets straight to the point - it's an I2C temperature sensor, with 16-bit 0.0078°C temperature resolution and 0.5°C temperature tolerance. Wire it up to your microcontroller or single-board computer to get reliable temperature readings with ease
This sensor can be put online using a Raspberry Pi, Python, and Adafruit IO. You'll be up and running in under 15 minutes!
If you're looking for a way to precisely monitor and log temperature data to the cloud, follow along!
Thanks to Digi-Key and Analog Devices for sponsoring the development of this guide - Adafruit has made the ADT7410 PCB "Digi-Key red" in their honor!
You'll need the materials below to complete this project. If you do not have them, pick them up from the Adafruit Store.
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