Feed Setup
If you do not already have an Adafruit IO account set up, head over to io.adafruit.com to link your Adafruit.com account to Adafruit IO.
The first step is to create a new Adafruit IO feed to hold the AD7410's temperature. Navigate to the feeds page on Adafruit IO. Then click Actions -> Create New Feed, and name this feed temperature.
- If you do not already know how to create a feed, head over to Adafruit IO Basics: Feeds.
You'll also need to create three more feeds to hold the data for the ADXL343 accelerometer - accelX, accelY, accelZ.
Once you have four feeds created, move to setting up a beautiful dashboard.
Dashboard Setup
The next step is to create a dashboard to display the values read by the Motion + Temperature FeatherWing.
- If you do not know how to create or use Dashboards in Adafruit IO, head over to the Adafruit IO Basics: Dashboards guide.
Add a Gauge Block
The gauge block allows you to quickly view the current value of a numeric feed. You can set a minimum and maximum value for the gauge, and it will automatically scale the value to a percentage and display it graphically. The gauge will update automatically whenever a new value is pushed to the feed.
In the Block Settings step, set the Block Title to Temperature, set the Gauge Min/Max Values to the upper and lower temperature thresholds you want to measure.
You can label the gauge by setting the Gauge Label - this example assumes temperature is to be measured in Degrees C.
Uncomfortably hot/cold? You can optionally set the gauge change color to warn you if the temperature goes above (or below) a certain value.
Add a Number Slider Block
The number slider allows you to quickly change the numeric value of a feed. You can set the minimum and maximum values for the slider, as well as change the amount the slider will increment when you drag the handle.
Name the block Accelerometer X. From here, you can configure the minimum and the maximum values displayed by the slider.
Next, add two more sliders to the dashboard. These sliders will be linked to the AccelY and AccelZ feeds you created earlier.
Once you're finished adding the sliders, your dashboard should look like the following screenshot:
Obtain your Adafruit IO Key
You are also going to need your Adafruit IO username and secret API key.
Navigate to your profile and click the View AIO Key button to retrieve them. Write them down in a safe place, you'll need them for the next step.
Next, we'll move on to programming the Feather and using it with Adafruit IO.
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