Cut NeoPixel Strips
Use flush snips to cut the NeoPixel strips. Follow the cut markings on the flexible PCB. Thoroughly count each pixel before cutting strips. This project specifically uses a 12x strips, each strip containing 12x NeoPixel LEDs.
Wiring NeoPixel Strips
Solder the other piece of the weather proof cable to the first NeoPixel strip in the chain.
Solder the 12x strips together using pieces of silicone ribbon wire. Follow the circuit diagram to reference the flow of data. Use pieces of heat shrink to insulate the exposed connections.
Each set of wires are approximately 5cm (2in) in length.
Test NeoPixel Strips
Connect the first NeoPixel strip to the Metro board. Use a 5V USB power supply to power on the Metro and strips. Thoroughly check each strip for any damaged pixels. If a dead pixel is encountered, swap out the strip with a new one.
Ideally use the strandtest demo code to make all of the NeoPixel a solid color. This a great way to catch any dead pixels in the bunch.
Installing NeoPixel Strips
The NeoPixels are inserted into the 3D printed strip holders. The silicone sheathing is press fitted through the clips. The fitting is snug and should keep the strips nice and taught.
The first NeoPixel strip is secured to the top left corner followed by the proceeding strip in a zigzag order.
Install All Strips
Repeat the installation process for the remaining strips of NeoPixels. Be sure to check the flow of data in each strip so they all follow a zigzag order.
The NeoPixel flexible PCBs can shift during the installation and may need to be adjusted. Align all of the strips for they look straight.
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