Once you've finished setting up your QT Py ESP32-S2 with CircuitPython, you can access the code and necessary libraries by downloading the Project Bundle.
To do this, click on the Download Project Bundle button in the window below. It will download as a zipped folder.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Liz Clark for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time import json import board from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull from adafruit_ht16k33.segments import Seg14x4 from cedargrove_nau7802 import NAU7802 from calibration import calibration import rtc import socketpool import wifi import adafruit_ntp from adafruit_azureiot import IoTCentralDevice # I2C setup with STEMMA port i2c = board.STEMMA_I2C() # alphanumeric segment displpay setup # using two displays together display = Seg14x4(i2c, address=(0x70, 0x71)) # start-up text display.print("*HELLO* ") # button LEDs blue = DigitalInOut(board.A1) blue.direction = Direction.OUTPUT green = DigitalInOut(board.A3) green.direction = Direction.OUTPUT # buttons setup blue_btn = DigitalInOut(board.A0) blue_btn.direction = Direction.INPUT blue_btn.pull = Pull.UP green_btn = DigitalInOut(board.A2) green_btn.direction = Direction.INPUT green_btn.pull = Pull.UP # nau7802 setup nau7802 = NAU7802(board.STEMMA_I2C(), address=0x2A, active_channels=2) nau7802.gain = 128 enabled = nau7802.enable(True) # Get wifi details and more from a secrets.py file try: from secrets import secrets except ImportError: print("WiFi secrets are kept in secrets.py, please add them there!") raise print("Connecting to WiFi...") wifi.radio.connect(secrets["ssid"], secrets["password"]) print("Connected to WiFi!") # check system time if time.localtime().tm_year < 2022: print("Setting System Time in UTC") pool = socketpool.SocketPool(wifi.radio) ntp = adafruit_ntp.NTP(pool, tz_offset=-4) # NOTE: This changes the system time so make sure you aren't assuming that time # doesn't jump. rtc.RTC().datetime = ntp.datetime else: print("Year seems good, skipping set time.") # Create an IoT Central device client and connect esp = None pool = socketpool.SocketPool(wifi.radio) device = IoTCentralDevice( pool, esp, secrets['id_scope'], secrets['device_id'], secrets['device_primary_key'] ) display.fill(0) display.print("DIALING*") print("Connecting to Azure IoT Central...") device.connect() display.print("CONNECTD") print("Connected to Azure IoT Central!") device.disconnect() print("Disconnected") # zeroing function def zero_channel(): """Initiate internal calibration for current channel; return raw zero offset value. Use when scale is started, a new channel is green_btned, or to adjust for measurement drift. Remove weight and tare from load cell before executing.""" blue.value = True print( "channel %1d calibrate.INTERNAL: %5s" % (nau7802.channel, nau7802.calibrate("INTERNAL")) ) blue.value = False print( "channel %1d calibrate.OFFSET: %5s" % (nau7802.channel, nau7802.calibrate("OFFSET")) ) blue.value = True zero_offset = read_raw_value(100) # Read 100 samples to establish zero offset print("...channel %1d zeroed" % nau7802.channel) blue.value = False return zero_offset # read raw value function def read_raw_value(samples=100): """Read and average consecutive raw sample values. Return average raw value.""" sample_sum = 0 sample_count = samples while sample_count > 0: if nau7802.available: sample_sum = sample_sum + nau7802.read() sample_count -= 1 return int(sample_sum / samples) # function for finding the average of an array def find_average(num): count = 0 for n in num: count = count + n average = count / len(num) return average # calibration function def calculateCalibration(array): for _ in range(10): blue.value = True green.value = False nau7802.channel = 1 print("channel %1.0f raw value: %7.0f" % (nau7802.channel, abs(read_raw_value()))) array.append(abs(read_raw_value())) blue.value = False green.value = True time.sleep(1) green.value = False avg = find_average(array) return avg # blink LED function def blink(led, amount, count): for _ in range(count): led.value = True time.sleep(amount) led.value = False time.sleep(amount) # send data to azure with ounces and grams def send_to_azure(current_oz, current_grams): # turn on green LED green.value = True display.print("DIALING*") # connect to azure device.reconnect() # turn on blue LED blue.value = True display.print("CONNECTD") time.sleep(1) display.print("SENDING!") # send JSON of ounces and grams message = {"Ounces": current_oz, "Grams": current_grams} device.send_telemetry(json.dumps(message)) display.fill(0) display.print("SENT!") # disconnect and turn off LEDs device.disconnect() green.value = False blue.value = False # zeroing on startup display.fill(0) display.marquee("CLEAR SCALE CLEAR", 0.3, False) time.sleep(2) display.fill(0) display.print("ZEROING") time.sleep(3) # zeroing each channel nau7802.channel = 1 zero_channel() # Calibrate and zero channel display.fill(0) display.print("STARTING") # variables and states clock = time.monotonic() # time.monotonic() device reset_clock = time.monotonic() long_clock = time.monotonic() mode = "run" mode_names = ["SHOW OZ?", " GRAMS?", " ZERO?", "CALIBRTE", " OFFSET?", "TO AZURE"] stage = 0 zero_stage = 0 weight_avg = 0 zero_avg = 0 show_oz = True show_grams = False zero_out = False calibrate_mode = False blue_btn_pressed = False green_btn_pressed = False run_mode = True avg_read = [] avg_grams = [] avg_oz = [] values = [] val_offset = 0 avg_values = [] # initial reading from the scale for w in range(5): nau7802.channel = 1 value = read_raw_value() # takes value reading and divides with by the offset value # to get the weight in grams grams = value / calibration['offset_val'] avg_read.append(grams) if len(avg_read) > 4: the_avg = find_average(avg_read) oz = the_avg / 28.35 display.print(" %0.1f oz" % oz) avg_read.clear() time.sleep(1) while True: # button debouncing if blue_btn.value and blue_btn_pressed: blue_btn_pressed = False if green_btn.value and green_btn_pressed: green_btn_pressed = False green.value = False # default run mode # checks NAU7802 every 2 seconds if run_mode is True and (time.monotonic() - clock) > 2: nau7802.channel = 1 value = read_raw_value() value = abs(value) - val_offset values.append(value) # takes value reading and divides with by the offset value # to get the weight in grams grams = value / calibration['offset_val'] oz = grams / 28.35 avg_grams.append(grams) avg_oz.append(oz) if show_oz is True: # append reading avg_read.append(oz) label = "oz" if show_grams is True: avg_read.append(grams) label = "g" if len(avg_read) > 10: the_avg = find_average(avg_read) the_grams = find_average(avg_grams) the_ounces = find_average(avg_oz) display.print(" %0.1f %s" % (the_avg, label)) avg_read.clear() avg_grams.clear() avg_oz.clear() val_offset += 10 clock = time.monotonic() if (time.monotonic() - reset_clock) > 43200: run_mode = False show_oz = False show_grams = False zero_out = True reset_clock = time.monotonic() # if you press the change mode button if (not green_btn.value and not green_btn_pressed) and run_mode: green.value = True # disables run mode (stops weighing) run_mode = False show_oz = False show_grams = False # mode is set to 0 mode = 0 # display shows the mode option display.print(mode_names[mode]) blue.value = True green_btn_pressed = True # advances through the modes menu if (not green_btn.value and not green_btn_pressed) and mode != "run": green.value = True # counts up to 4 and loops back to 0 mode = (mode+1) % 6 # updates display display.print(mode_names[mode]) green_btn_pressed = True # if you select show_oz if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and mode == 0: # show_oz is set as the state show_oz = True label = "oz" blue.value = False # goes back to weighing mode mode = "run" blue_btn_pressed = True display.print(" %0.1f %s" % (the_avg, label)) run_mode = True # if you select show_grams if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and mode == 1: # show_grams is set as the state show_grams = True label = "g" blue.value = False # goes back to weighing mode mode = "run" blue_btn_pressed = True display.print(" %0.1f %s" % (the_avg, label)) run_mode = True # if you select zero_out if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and mode == 2: # zero_out is set as the state # can zero out the scale without full recalibration zero_out = True blue.value = False mode = "run" blue_btn_pressed = True # if you select calibrate_mode if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and mode == 3: # calibrate_mode is set as the state # starts up the calibration process calibrate_mode = True blue.value = False mode = "run" blue_btn_pressed = True # if you select the offset if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and mode == 4: # displays the curren offset value stored in the code blue.value = False display.fill(0) display.print("%0.4f" % calibration['offset_val']) time.sleep(5) mode = "run" # goes back to weighing mode show_oz = True label = "oz" display.print(" %0.1f %s" % (the_avg, label)) run_mode = True blue_btn_pressed = True if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and mode == 5: blue.value = False display.fill(0) # sends data to azure send_to_azure(the_ounces, the_grams) time.sleep(1) mode = "run" # goes back to weighing mode show_oz = True label = "oz" display.print(" %0.1f %s" % (the_avg, label)) run_mode = True blue_btn_pressed = True # if the zero_out state is true if zero_out and zero_stage == 0: blue_btn_pressed = True # clear the scale for zeroing display.fill(0) display.print("REMOVE ") zero_stage = 1 blue.value = True green.value = True if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and zero_stage == 1: green.value = False # updates display display.fill(0) display.print("ZEROING") blue.value = False # runs zero_channel() function on both channels nau7802.channel = 1 zero_channel() display.fill(0) display.print("ZEROED ") zero_out = False zero_stage = 0 # goes into weighing mode val_offset = 0 run_mode = True show_oz = True label = "oz" display.print(" %0.1f %s" % (the_avg, label)) # the calibration process # each step is counted in stage # blue button is pressed to advance to the next stage if calibrate_mode is True and stage == 0: blue_btn_pressed = True # clear the scale for zeroing display.fill(0) display.print("REMOVE ") stage = 1 blue.value = True # stage 2 if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and stage == 1: blue_btn_pressed = True # runs the zero out function display.fill(0) display.print("ZEROING") blue.value = False nau7802.channel = 1 zero_channel() display.fill(0) display.print("ZEROED ") stage = 2 blue.value = True # stage 3 if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and stage == 2: blue_btn_pressed = True blue.value = False display.print("STARTING") blink(blue, 0.5, 3) zero_readings = [] display.print("AVG ZERO") # runs the calculateCallibration function # takes 10 raw readings, stores them into an array and gets an average zero_avg = calculateCalibration(zero_readings) stage = 3 display.fill(0) display.print("DONE") blue.value = True # stage 4 if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and stage == 3: # place the known weight item # item's weight matches calibration['weight'] in grams blue_btn_pressed = True blue.value = False display.fill(0) display.print("PUT ITEM") stage = 4 blue.value = True # stage 5 if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and stage == 4: blue_btn_pressed = True blue.value = False display.fill(0) display.print("WEIGHING") weight_readings = [] # weighs the item 10 times, stores the readings in an array & averages them weight_avg = calculateCalibration(weight_readings) # calculates the new offset value calibration['offset_val'] = (weight_avg-zero_avg) / calibration['weight'] display.marquee("%0.2f - CALIBRATED " % calibration['offset_val'], 0.3, False) stage = 5 display.fill(0) display.print("DONE") blue.value = True # final stage if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and stage == 5: blue_btn_pressed = True zero_readings.clear() weight_readings.clear() calibrate_mode = False blue.value = False # goes back into weighing mode show_oz = True label = "oz" display.print(" %0.1f %s" % (the_avg, label)) val_offset = 0 run_mode = True # resets stage stage = 0
Upload the Code and Libraries to the QT Py ESP32-S2
After downloading the Project Bundle, plug your QT Py ESP32-S2 into the computer's USB port with a known good USB data+power cable. You should see a new flash drive appear in the computer's File Explorer or Finder (depending on your operating system) called CIRCUITPY. Unzip the folder and copy the following items to the QT Py ESP32-S2's CIRCUITPY drive.
- lib folder
- calibration.py
- code.py
Your QT Py ESP32-S2 CIRCUITPY drive should look like this after copying the lib folder, calibration.py file and the code.py file.
Install the cedargrove_nau7802 CircuitPython Library
Follow along with the steps outlined in this guide to download the cedargrove_nau7802 CircuitPython library and upload it to your QT Py ESP32-S2 CIRCUITPY drive lib folder. The library is a part of the CircuitPython Community Bundle.
calibration.py File
The calibration.py file holds two important values for the main code.py file: offset_val
and weight
. weight
is the known weight in grams that you use to calibrate the NAU7802. The offset_val
is the calibration number used to divide against the raw value from the NAU7802 to find the actual weight on top of the scale.
Each strain gauge is slightly different, so you'll want to edit the calibration.py file with your known weight item and the offset_val
you generate after running the calibration mode in the code.py file.
You will need to create and add a secrets.py file to your CIRCUITPY drive. Your secrets.py file will need to include the following information:
secrets = { 'ssid' : 'YOUR-SSID-HERE', 'password' : 'YOUR-SSID-PASSWORD-HERE', 'id_scope' : 'YOUR-AZURE-ID-SCOPE-HERE', 'device_id' : 'YOUR-AZURE-DEVICE-ID-HERE', 'device_primary_key' : 'YOUR-AZURE-DEVICE-PRIMARY-KEY-HERE', }
You'll gather your ID scope, device ID and device primary key from your device connection groups page in your Azure application. Make sure to refer to the Connect Your Device page in this guide to see the process for accessing the keys.
How the CircuitPython Code Works
The CircuitPython code is identical to the original NAU7802 Food Scale CircuitPython code as far as scale functionality. This version of the code adds functionality for connecting to, and sending data to, Azure.
The code begins by connecting to WiFi and grabbing the date and time using the adafruit_ntp
# Get wifi details and more from a secrets.py file try: from secrets import secrets except ImportError: print("WiFi secrets are kept in secrets.py, please add them there!") raise print("Connecting to WiFi...") wifi.radio.connect(secrets["ssid"], secrets["password"]) print("Connected to WiFi!") # check system time if time.localtime().tm_year < 2022: print("Setting System Time in UTC") pool = socketpool.SocketPool(wifi.radio) ntp = adafruit_ntp.NTP(pool, tz_offset=0) # NOTE: This changes the system time so make sure you aren't assuming that time # doesn't jump. rtc.RTC().datetime = ntp.datetime else: print("Year seems good, skipping set time.")
Then, a connection is established with Microsoft Azure. The alphanumeric display updates its text to show what is going on with the connection process.
# Create an IoT Central device client and connect esp = None pool = socketpool.SocketPool(wifi.radio) device = IoTCentralDevice( pool, esp, secrets['id_scope'], secrets['device_id'], secrets['device_primary_key'] ) display.fill(0) display.print("DIALING*") print("Connecting to Azure IoT Central...") device.connect() display.print("CONNECTD") print("Connected to Azure IoT Central!")
The send_to_azure()
function sends the current weight in ounces and grams to Azure with device.send_telemetry(json.dumps(message))
. It also uses the buttons' LEDs and alphanumeric display to indicate the processes in the code.
# send data to azure with ounces and grams def send_to_azure(current_oz, current_grams): # turn on green LED green.value = True display.print("DIALING*") # connect to azure device.reconnect() # turn on blue LED blue.value = True display.print("CONNECTD") time.sleep(1) display.print("SENDING!") # send JSON of ounces and grams message = {"Ounces": current_oz, "Grams": current_grams} device.send_telemetry(json.dumps(message)) display.fill(0) display.print("SENT!") # disconnect and turn off LEDs device.disconnect() green.value = False blue.value = False
Logging Ounces and Grams
The alphanumeric display shows either ounces or grams depending on the mode selected. In the background though, both the ounces and grams are logged in the_grams
and the_ounces
grams = value / calibration['offset_val'] oz = grams / 28.35 avg_grams.append(grams) avg_oz.append(oz) if show_oz is True: # append reading avg_read.append(oz) label = "oz" if show_grams is True: avg_read.append(grams) label = "g" if len(avg_read) > 10: the_avg = find_average(avg_read) the_grams = find_average(avg_grams) the_ounces = find_average(avg_oz) display.print(" %0.1f %s" % (the_avg, label)) avg_read.clear() avg_grams.clear() avg_oz.clear()
Send Weight to Azure
The food scale is coded to have a selection of mode functionality. One of the functions in the list is sending the data to Azure. If mode
is 5
and the blue button is pressed, then send_to_azure(the_ounces, the_grams)
is called and sends the current weigh in ounces and grams is sent to your Azure IoT Central application. Then, the scale goes back to weighing mode.
if (not blue_btn.value and not blue_btn_pressed) and mode == 5: blue.value = False display.fill(0) # sends data to azure send_to_azure(the_ounces, the_grams) time.sleep(1) mode = "run" # goes back to weighing mode show_oz = True label = "oz" display.print(" %0.1f %s" % (the_avg, label)) run_mode = True blue_btn_pressed = True
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