This is the final step in the app development process. Here, you should double check all your information.
After you've added your additional information, make sure you save it by clicking the Save button on your upper right.
Now proceed to the Pricing and Availability tab on your left. Here is where you'll choose how much you'll charge your customers. Don't forget to save when your progress when you're done!
You'll need to make screenshots of your app which can be done using the iOS Simulator.
Your next step requires you to have a description for your app and special keywords so that your app can be found in the App Store.
In General App Infomation you'll need to add your App icon. It must be 1024 by 1024 pixels, any other size will not do.
In the Copyright field you can just add your company name or your name.
You'll also enter your address and contact info.
You'll need to add your contact info here again. This area is for the person reviewing your app, this way they'll know how to contact you. You can also leave a note for them.
Now you can use the Version Release to choose when you want your app to be released. You also have the option to release the app as soon as it's approved or at a specified date.
Now you need to upload your app from Xcode to iTunes Connect.
Under the Products drop down menu in Xcode, select click on Archive.
This screen will pop up. Choose the app that you're planning to use, then Hit the Upload to App Store... button.
Choose your Development Team to use for provisioning...
Now you can Upload your App to iTunes Connect.
If we did everything correctly, we'll be able to upload the binary to finish the certification process. Once your upload is successful, head back to your App information page.
Scroll down to your Build setting. Click Select a Build before you submit your app. Then select your Build.
Now is a good time for you to double check your info and make sure you have everything Apple asked you for. Now go to the top of the page to save your progress.
When you're done getting things in order just hit "Submit for Review", kick your feet up and wait for Apple to review your App. The wait time varies, it can take a few days to a week or two. But after that if everything works out you'll have your own App in the Apple App Store. Great Job!
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