In order to simplify the most common activities with the WICED Feather, several helper classes have been added to the board support package.
These helper classes are described below, and detailed explanations of each class can be found later in this guide.
This is the main class you will use to configure the WICED Feather. It contains functions to connect or disconnect to an AP, ping another device, set certificate details when using TLS and HTTPS, as well as a few more specialized commands like some MQTT commands to use the internal MQTT stack in the WICED Feather WiFi stack.
For detailed information see: AdafruitFeather and AdafruitFeather: Profiles
The AdafruitTCP class provides helper functions to open, close and work with TCP based socket connections. There are convenient callback functions for the socket disconnect events, as well as when data is received, and you can start an open or SSL based connection.
For detailed information see: AdafruitTCP and AdafruitTCPServer
The AdafruitUDP class provides helper functions to open, close and work with UDP based socket connections. There is a callback function to handle data receive events.
For detailed information see: AdafruitUDP
This class provides a convenient wrapper for the most common HTTP activities, including a callback for when data is received, and helpers to deal with response headers and and TLS (for secure HTTPS connections).
For detailed information see: AdafruitHTTP
This class provides a basic MQTT client, allowing you to connect to remote MQTT brokers over a standard TCP connection. You can establish open or secure connections to the MQTT broker, publish to topics, subscribe to up to eight topics (including using subscribe wildcards like 'adafruit/+' to subscribe to all changes above '/adafruit'), and capture subscribe events via a convenient callback handler.
For detailed information see: AdafruitMQTT and AdafruitMQTTTopic
The AdafruitAIO family is a specialized version of the AdafruitMQTT classes, and is designed to work specifically with Adafruit IO.
For detailed information see: AdafruitAIO and AdafruitAIOFeed
This class handles sending and receiving SDEP messages between the user code and the lower level feather lib. Normally you will never need to send SDEP messages yourself, and you will use the higher level helper classes mentionned elsewhere on this page, but AdafruitHTTP inherits from AdafruitSDEP, so you have access to all of the functions in AdafruitSDEP via the standard Feather object, such as Feather.sdep_n(...), Feather.errno(), etc.
For detailed information see: AdafruitSDEP
Client API
The WICED Feather board support package also includes support for the standard Arduino Client interface, which is common to almost every networking device in the Arduino family. The Adafruit helper classes mentionned above expose many standard Client functions, and you should be able to adapt Client based example code to the WICED Feather with minimal changes and effort.
For detailed information see: Client
Page last edited February 10, 2016
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