SDEP commands allow the user code to communicate with the feather lib and vice versa.  Normally you never need to use these commands directly (they are used by the higher level WICED Feather API), but they are documented below for advanced users and for debugging purposes.

// Generic Commands
SDEP_CMD_RESET               = 0x0001,    ///< HW reset
SDEP_CMD_FACTORYRESET        = 0x0002,    ///< Factory reset
SDEP_CMD_DFU                 = 0x0003,    ///< Enter DFU mode
SDEP_CMD_INFO                = 0x0004,    ///< System information
SDEP_CMD_NVM_RESET           = 0x0005,    ///< Reset DCT
SDEP_CMD_ERROR_STRING        = 0x0006,    ///< Get descriptive error string
SDEP_CMD_COMMAND_STRING      = 0x0007,    ///< Get descriptive SDEP command string

// Hardware Commands
SDEP_CMD_GPIO                = 0x0100,    ///< Set GPIO
SDEP_CMD_RANDOMNUMBER        = 0x0101,    ///< Random number

// SPI Flash Commands
SDEP_CMD_SFLASHFORMAT        = 0x0200,    ///< Format SPI flash memory
SDEP_CMD_SFLASHLIST          = 0x0201,    ///< List SPI flash contents

// DEBUG Commands
SDEP_CMD_STACKDUMP           = 0x0300,    ///< Dump the stack
SDEP_CMD_STACKSIZE           = 0x0301,    ///< Get stack size
SDEP_CMD_HEAPDUMP            = 0x0302,    ///< Dump the heap
SDEP_CMD_HEAPSIZE            = 0x0303,    ///< Get heap size
SDEP_CMD_THREADLIST          = 0x0304,    ///< Get thread information

// WiFi Commands
SDEP_CMD_SCAN                = 0x0400,    ///< AP scan
SDEP_CMD_CONNECT             = 0x0401,    ///< Connect to AP
SDEP_CMD_DISCONNECT          = 0x0402,    ///< Disconnect from AP
SDEP_CMD_APSTART             = 0x0403,    ///< Start AP
SDEP_CMD_APSTOP              = 0x0404,    ///< Stop AP
SDEP_CMD_WIFI_GET_RSSI       = 0x0405,    ///< Get RSSI of current connected signal
SDEP_CMD_WIFI_PROFILE_ADD    = 0x0406,    ///< Add a network profile
SDEP_CMD_WIFI_PROFILE_DEL    = 0x0407,    ///< Remove a network profile
SDEP_CMD_WIFI_PROFILE_CLEAR  = 0x0408,    ///< Clear all network profiles
SDEP_CMD_WIFI_PROFILE_CHECK  = 0x0409,    ///< Check if a network profile exists
SDEP_CMD_WIFI_PROFILE_SAVE   = 0x040A,    ///< Save current connected profile to NVM
SDEP_CMD_WIFI_PROFILE_GET    = 0x040B,    ///< Get AP's profile info
SDEP_CMD_TLS_DEFAULT_ROOT_CA = 0x040C,    ///< Enable the default Root CA list
SDEP_CMD_TLS_ADD_ROOT_CA     = 0x040D,    ///< Add an custom ROOT CA to current Chain
SDEP_CMD_TLS_CLEAR_ROOT_CA   = 0x040E,    ///< Clear the whole ROOT CA chain

// Gateway Commands
SDEP_CMD_GET_IPV4_ADDRESS    = 0x0500,    ///< Get IPv4 address from an interface
SDEP_CMD_GET_IPV6_ADDRESS    = 0x0501,    ///< Get IPv6 address from an interface
SDEP_CMD_GET_GATEWAY_ADDRESS = 0x0502,    ///< Get IPv6 gateway address
SDEP_CMD_GET_NETMASK         = 0x0503,    ///< Get IPv4 DNS netmask
SDEP_CMD_GET_MAC_ADDRESS     = 0x0504,    ///< Get MAC Address

// Network Commands
SDEP_CMD_PING                = 0x0600,    ///< Ping
SDEP_CMD_DNSLOOKUP           = 0x0601,    ///< DNS lookup
SDEP_CMD_GET_ISO8601_TIME    = 0x0602,    ///< Get time
SDEP_CMD_GET_UTC_TIME        = 0x0603,    ///< Get UTC time in seconds

// TCP Commands
SDEP_CMD_TCP_CONNECT         = 0x0700,    ///< Create TCP stream socket and connect
SDEP_CMD_TCP_WRITE           = 0x0701,    ///< Write to the TCP stream socket
SDEP_CMD_TCP_FLUSH           = 0x0702,    ///< Flush TCP stream socket
SDEP_CMD_TCP_READ            = 0x0703,    ///< Read from the TCP stream socket
SDEP_CMD_TCP_DISCONNECT      = 0x0704,    ///< Disconnect TCP stream socket
SDEP_CMD_TCP_AVAILABLE       = 0x0705,    ///< Check if there is data in TCP stream socket
SDEP_CMD_TCP_PEEK            = 0x0706,    ///< Peek at byte data from TCP stream socket
SDEP_CMD_TCP_STATUS          = 0x0707,    ///< Get status of TCP stream socket
SDEP_CMD_TCP_SET_CALLBACK    = 0x0708,    ///< Set callback function for TCP connection
SDEP_CMD_TCP_LISTEN          = 0x0709,
SDEP_CMD_TCP_ACCEPT          = 0x070A,
SDEP_CMD_TCP_PEER_INFO       = 0x070B,

// UDP Commands
SDEP_CMD_UDP_CREATE          = 0x0800,    ///< Create UDP socket
SDEP_CMD_UDP_WRITE           = 0x0801,    ///< Write to the UDP socket
SDEP_CMD_UDP_FLUSH           = 0x0802,    ///< Flush UDP stream socket
SDEP_CMD_UDP_READ            = 0x0803,    ///< Read from the UDP stream socket
SDEP_CMD_UDP_CLOSE           = 0x0804,    ///< Close UDP stream socket
SDEP_CMD_UDP_AVAILABLE       = 0x0805,    ///< Check if there is data in UDP stream socket
SDEP_CMD_UDP_PEEK            = 0x0806,    ///< Peek at byte data from UDP stream socket
SDEP_CMD_UDP_PACKET_INFO     = 0x0807,    ///< Get packet info of UDP stream socket

// MQTT Commands
SDEP_CMD_MQTTCONNECT         = 0x0900,    ///< Connect to a broker
SDEP_CMD_MQTTDISCONNECT      = 0x0901,    ///< Disconnect from a broker
SDEP_CMD_MQTTPUBLISH         = 0x0902,    ///< Publish a message to a topic
SDEP_CMD_MQTTSUBSCRIBE       = 0x0903,    ///< Subscribe to a topic
SDEP_CMD_MQTTUNSUBSCRIBE     = 0x0904,    ///< Unsubscribe from a topic

This guide was first published on Mar 23, 2016. It was last updated on Mar 26, 2024.

This page (SDEP Commands) was last updated on Feb 10, 2016.

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