This example (located in Adafruit_WICED_Arduino/examples/WiFi) will perform a DNS lookup based on the specified domain name or IP address.
Set your AP details using the WLAN_SSID and WLAN_PASS flags, setting them to the values used by you own access point:
Set the domain name or the IP address that you wish the resolve using the following variables:
// target by hostname const char target_hostname[] = ""; // target by IP String const char target_ip_str[] = "";
Compile and Flash
You can then compile and flash your sketch to the WICED Feather using the 'Download' arrow icon at the top of the IDE:
You should see the USB DFU progress as the update advances, and there will be a 'Done Uploading' message in the top left of the status bar when you are done:
Testing the Sketch
Wait a few seconds for the USB CDC serial interface to enumerate, and then open the Serial Monitor using either the Serial Monitor icon in the upper-right of the IDE or via Tools > Serial Monitor:
This will cause the WICED Feather to attempt to connect to the access point, and then it will attempt to look up the specified domain or IP address:
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