The following commands allow you to interact with the low level HW on the Bluefruit LE module, such as reading or toggling the GPIO pins, performing an ADC conversion ,etc.:
Changes the baud rate used by the HW UART peripheral on the nRF51822. Note that we do not recommend using higher baudrates than 9600 because the nRF51 UART can drop characters!
Codebase Revision: 0.7.0
Parameters: Baud rate, which must be one of the following values:
- 1200
- 2400
- 4800
- 9600
- 14400
- 19200
- 28800
- 38400
- 57600
- 76800
- 115200
- 230400
- 250000
- 460800
- 921600
- 1000000
Output: The current baud rate
# Set the baud rate to 115200 AT+BAUDRATE=115200 OK # Check the current baud rate AT+BAUDRATE 115200 OK
Performs an ADC conversion on the specified ADC pin
Codebase Revision: 0.3.0
Parameters: The ADC channel (0..7)
Output: The results of the ADC conversion
Gets the temperature in degree celcius of the BLE module's die. This can be used for debug purposes (higher die temperature generally means higher current consumption), but does not corresponds to ambient temperature and can not be used as a replacement for a normal temperature sensor.
Codebase Revision: 0.3.0
Parameters: None
Output: The die temperature in degrees celcius
Gets or sets the value of the specified GPIO pin (depending on the pin's mode).
Codebase Revision: 0.3.0
Parameters: The parameters for this command change depending on the pin mode.
OUTPUT MODE: The following comma-separated parameters can be used when updating a pin that is set as an output:
- Pin numbers
- Pin state, where:
- 0 = clear the pin (logic low/GND)
- 1 = set the pin (logic high/VCC)
INPUT MODE: To read the current state of an input pin or a pin that has been configured as an output, enter the pin number as a single parameter.
Output: The pin state if you are reading an input or checking the state of an input pin (meaning only 1 parameter is supplied, the pin number), where:
- 0 means the pin is logic low/GND
- 1 means the pin is logic high/VCC
# Set pin 14 HIGH AT+HWGPIO=14,1 OK # Set pin 14 LOW AT+HWGPIO=14,0 OK # Read the current state of pin 14 AT+HWGPIO=14 0 OK # Try to update a pin that is not set as an output AT+HWGPIOMODE=14,0 OK AT+HWGPIO=14,1 ERROR
This will set the mode for the specified GPIO pin (input, output, etc.).
Codebase Revision: 0.3.0
Parameters: This command one or two values (comma-separated in the case of two parameters being used):
- The pin number
- The new GPIO mode, where:
- 0 = Input
- 1 = Output
- 2 = Input with pullup enabled
- 3 = Input with pulldown enabled
Output: If a single parameters is passed (the GPIO pin number) the current pin mode will be returned.
# Configure pin 14 as an output AT+HWGPIOMODE=14,0 OK # Get the current mode for pin 14 AT+HWPGIOMODE=14 0 OK
Scans the I2C bus to try to detect any connected I2C devices, and returns the address of devices that were found during the scan process.
Codebase Revision: 0.3.0
Parameters: None
Output: A comma-separated list of any I2C address that were found while scanning the valid address range on the I2C bus, or nothing is no devices were found.
# I2C scan with two devices detected AT+HWI2CSCAN 0x23,0x35 OK # I2C scan with no devices detected AT+HWI2CSCAN OK
Returns the main power supply voltage level in millivolts
Codebase Revision: 0.3.0
Parameters: None
Output: The VBAT level in millivolts
Generates a random 32-bit number using the HW random number generator on the nRF51822 (based on white noise).
Codebase Revision: 0.4.7
Parameters: None
Output: A random 32-bit hexadecimal value (ex. '0x12345678')
Allows you to override the default behaviour of the MODE led (which indicates the operating mode by default).
Codebase Revision: 0.6.6
Parameters: LED operating mode, which can be one of the following values:
- disable or DISABLE or 0 - Disable the MODE LED entirely to save power
- mode or MODE or 1 - Default behaviour, indicates the current operating mode
- hwuart or HWUART or 2 - Toggles the LED on any activity on the HW UART bus (TX or RX)
- bleuart or BLEUART or 3 - Toggles the LED on any activity on the BLE UART Service (TX or RX characteristic)
- spi or SPI or 4 - Toggles the LED on any SPI activity
- manual or MANUAL or 5 - Manually sets the state of the MODE LED via a second comma-separated parameter, which can be on, off, or toggle.
Output: If run with no parameters, returns an upper-case string representing the current MODE LED operating mode from the fields above
# Get the curent MODE LED setting AT+HWMODELED MODE OK # Change the MODE LED to indicate BLE UART activity AT+HWMODELED=BLEUART OK # Manually toggle the MODE LED AT+HWMODELED=MANUAL,TOGGLE OK
Enables or disable hardware flow control (CTS + RTS) on the UART peripheral block of the nRF51822.
Codebase Revision: 0.7.0
Parameters: HW flow control state, which can be one of:
- on
- off
- 0
- 1
Output: If run with no parameters, returns a number representing whether flow control is enabled (1) or disabled (0).
# Check the current flow control state AT+UARTFLOW 1 OK # Disable HW flow control AT+UARTFLOW=off OK
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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