Sometimes, bad things unfortunately happen. Thankfully, 99% of the time it's purely a SW issue and the Bluefruit devices have a robust bootloader with some fail safes that can almost always recover your device.
How to Recover a Bluefruit Board
1. Force DFU Mode at Startup
The first step is to force your board into a special bootloader mode, which will prevent any faulty user sketches or corrupted config data from causing problems.
- Connect the DFU pin to GND with a jumper cable, or if your board has a DFU button hold the button down when adding power to your board (connecting the USB cable, etc.)
- Once the device is powered, you should see a faster DFU MODE blinky pattern that lets you know you are in bootloader mode.
- Now remove the jumper cable between DFU and GND (to prevent going into DFU mode when you reset)
2. Update the Bluefruit Firmware
Next, update your device to the latest Bluefruit firmware using the Bluefruit LE Connect app. We regularly fix bugs, and it's always a good idea to be on the latest release.
You can perform a firmware update in DFU mode, although the Bluefruit board may appear as DfuTarg in the Bluefruit LE Connect app, and you will will need to select the right firmware 'family' for you board.
Because bootloader mode is a fail safe mode and has a small subset of Bluefruit's features, we can't tell the Bluefruit LE Connect app very many details about our HW. As such, you will need to indicate which firmware type to flash ... specifically, whether to flash the UART of SPI based firmware. Be sure to select the right one, based on your product and the table below:
3. Flash a Test Sketch
Once the core Bluefruit firmware has been updated, flash a test sketch to the device from the Arduino IDE, such as the following blinky code:
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW delay(1000); // wait for a second }
4. Perform a Factory Reset
Once the core Bluefruit firmware has been updated, the final step is to perform a factory reset.
- With the board still powered up, connect the DFU pin to GND
- Leave the pin set to GND (or hold the DFU button down) for >5 seconds until the BLUE status LED starts to blink
- Remove the DFU jumper cable or release the DFU button
This will cause a factory reset which will wipe all config data, and should restore your board, getting you back to a normal state in most situations!
Still Having Problems?
Hop on over to our support forums clearly explaining your problem along with the following information, and, we'll be happy to help:
- You product name and ideally the product ID
- The Bluefruit firmware version you are using (available at the top of the Serial Monitor output on most example sketches)
- The Operating System your are using
- The Arduino IDE version you are using
Providing the above information in your first post will skip a round of two of back and forth and you'll get an answer from us quicker, saving everyone time and effort!
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