This example shows you how you can use the DAC (Digital to Analog Converter).
Many chips do not have a DAC, including Espressif ESP32-S3, nRF52840, and various others. If AnalogOut
is not available, its use will raise NotImplementedError.
Check the board guide for your board.
In the example below, click the Download Project Bundle button below to download the necessary libraries and the file in a zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file, open the directory CircuitPython_Essentials/CircuitPython_AnalogOut/ and then click on the directory that matches the version of CircuitPython you're using and copy the contents of that directory to your CIRCUITPY drive.

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Kattni Rembor for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """CircuitPython Analog Out example""" import board from analogio import AnalogOut analog_out = AnalogOut(board.A0) while True: # Count up from 0 to 65535, with 64 increment # which ends up corresponding to the DAC's 10-bit range for i in range(0, 65535, 64): analog_out.value = i
Creating an analog output
analog_out = AnalogOut(A0)
Creates an object analog_out
and connects the object to A0, the only DAC pin available on both the M0 and the M4 boards. (The M4 has two, A0 and A1.)
Setting the analog output
The DAC on the SAMD21 is a 10-bit output, from 0-3.3V. So in theory you will have a resolution of 0.0032 Volts per bit. To allow CircuitPython to be general-purpose enough that it can be used with chips with anything from 8 to 16-bit DACs, the DAC takes a 16-bit value and divides it down internally.
For example, writing 0 will be the same as setting it to 0 - 0 Volts out.
Writing 5000 is the same as setting it to 5000 / 64 = 78, and 78 / 1024 * 3.3V = 0.25V output.
Writing 65535 is the same as 1023 which is the top range and you'll get 3.3V output
Main Loop
The main loop is fairly simple, it goes through the entire range of the DAC, from 0 to 65535, but increments 64 at a time so it ends up clicking up one bit for each of the 10-bits of range available.
CircuitPython is not terribly fast, so at the fastest update loop you'll get 4 Hz. The DAC isn't good for audio outputs as-is.
Express boards like the Circuit Playground Express, Metro M0 Express, ItsyBitsy M0 Express, ItsyBitsy M4 Express, Metro M4 Express, Feather M4 Express, or Feather M0 Express have more code space and can perform audio playback capabilities via the DAC. QT Py M0, Gemma M0 and Trinket M0 cannot!
Check out the Audio Out section of this guide for examples!
Trinket M0
A0 is labeled "1~" on Trinket! A0 is located between "0" and "2" towards the middle of the board on the same side as the red LED.
Feather M0 Express
A0 is located between GND and A1 on the opposite side of the board from the battery connector, towards the end with the Reset button.
Feather M4 Express
A0 is located between GND and A1 on the opposite side of the board from the battery connector, towards the end with the Reset button, and the pin pad has left and right white parenthesis markings around it
ItsyBitsy M0 Express
A0 is located between VHI and A1, near the "A" in "Adafruit", and the pin pad has left and right white parenthesis markings around it.
ItsyBitsy M4 Express
A0 is located between VHI and A1, and the pin pad has left and right white parenthesis markings around it.
Metro M0 Express
A0 is between VIN and A1, and is located along the same side of the board as the barrel jack adapter towards the middle of the headers found on that side of the board.
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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