The following code snippets can be used when operating in Command Mode to perform specific tasks.
Heart Rate Monitor Service
The command list below will add a Heart Rate service to the BLEFriend's attribute table, with two characteristics:
# Perform a factory reset to make sure we get a clean start AT+FACTORYRESET OK # Add the Heart Rate service entry AT+GATTADDSERVICE=UUID=0x180D 1 OK # Add the Heart Rate Measurement characteristic AT+GATTADDCHAR=UUID=0x2A37, PROPERTIES=0x10, MIN_LEN=2, MAX_LEN=3, VALUE=00-40 1 OK # Add the Body Sensor Location characteristic AT+GATTADDCHAR=UUID=0x2A38, PROPERTIES=0x02, MIN_LEN=1, VALUE=3 2 OK # Create a custom advertising packet that includes the Heart Rate service UUID AT+GAPSETADVDATA=02-01-06-05-02-0d-18-0a-18 OK # Reset the device to start advertising with the custom payload ATZ OK # Update the value of the heart rate measurement (set it to 0x004A) AT+GATTCHAR=1,00-4A OK
Python Script
The following code performs the same function, but has been placed inside a Python wrapper using PySerial to show how you can script actions for the AT parser.
import io import sys import serial import random from time import sleep filename = "" ser = None serio = None verbose = True # Set this to True to see all of the incoming serial data def usage(): """Displays information on the command-line parameters for this script""" print "Usage: " + filename + " <serialPort>\n" print "For example:\n" print " Windows : " + filename + " COM14" print " OS X : " + filename + " /dev/tty.usbserial-DN009WNO" print " Linux : " + filename + " /dev/ttyACM0" return def checkargs(): """Validates the command-line arguments for this script""" if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "ERROR: Missing serialPort" usage() sys.exit(-1) if len(sys.argv) > 2: print "ERROR: Too many arguments (expected 1)." usage() sys.exit(-2) def errorhandler(err, exitonerror=True): """Display an error message and exit gracefully on "ERROR\r\n" responses""" print "ERROR: " + err.message if exitonerror: ser.close() sys.exit(-3) def atcommand(command, delayms=0): """Executes the supplied AT command and waits for a valid response""" serio.write(unicode(command + "\n")) if delayms: sleep(delayms/1000) rx = None while rx != "OK\r\n" and rx != "ERROR\r\n": rx = serio.readline(2000) if verbose: print unicode(rx.rstrip("\r\n")) # Check the return value if rx == "ERROR\r\n": raise ValueError("AT Parser reported an error on '" + command.rstrip() + "'") if __name__ == '__main__': # Make sure we received a single argument (comPort) checkargs() # This will automatically open the serial port (no need for ser = serial.Serial(port=sys.argv[1], baudrate=9600, rtscts=True) serio = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BufferedRWPair(ser, ser, 1), newline='\r\n', line_buffering=True) # Add the HRM service and characteristic definitions try: atcommand("AT+FACTORYRESET", 1000) # Wait 1s for this to complete atcommand("AT+GATTCLEAR") atcommand("AT+GATTADDSERVICE=UUID=0x180D") atcommand("AT+GATTADDCHAR=UUID=0x2A37, PROPERTIES=0x10, MIN_LEN=2, MAX_LEN=3, VALUE=00-40") atcommand("AT+GATTADDCHAR=UUID=0x2A38, PROPERTIES=0x02, MIN_LEN=1, VALUE=3") atcommand("AT+GAPSETADVDATA=02-01-06-05-02-0d-18-0a-18") # Perform a system reset and wait 1s to come back online atcommand("ATZ", 1000) # Update the value every second while True: atcommand("AT+GATTCHAR=1,00-%02X" % random.randint(50, 100), 1000) except ValueError as err: # One of the commands above returned "ERROR\n" errorhandler(err) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Close gracefully on CTRL+C ser.close() sys.exit()
The results of this script can be seen below in the 'HRM' app of Nordic's nRF Toolbox application:
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