If you do not already have an Adafruit IO account set up, head over to io.adafruit.com to link your Adafruit.com account to Adafruit IO.
Navigate to the feeds page on Adafruit IO. Then click Actions -> Create New Feed, and name this feed humidity.
- If you do not already know how to create a feed, head over to Adafruit IO Basics: Feeds.
Then, create a temperature and pressure feed for the BME280's temperature and pressure sensors.
Also, create an additional feed named status. When your Feather turns on or off, it'll broadcast its connection status to this feed.
We're also going to need our Adafruit IO username and secret API key.
Navigate to your profile and click the View AIO Key button to retrieve them. Write them down in a safe place, we'll need them for later.
With Adafruit IO set up, we'll move on to installing HassOS
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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