The Rainbow Touch sketch should be running on your CPB now, so test it out! You can tap various pads on the CPB with your finger and this will change the color of the NeoPixels.
Going Further with File Glider: Code on your Phone!
If you so wish, you can now edit and adapt the code on your CPB through the File Glider app directly from your iOS device.
- Open the File Glider App and make sure you are connected to your CPB. You should see CIRCUITPYxxxx listed under "Connected Peripherals:"
- At the bottom of the app, tap "Explorer". Now you will see all the files and code on your CPB.
- Tap on the file. Now tap anywhere in the code and a keyboard should pop up.
- Add or edit any code and hit "save" above the keyboard.
- The code will be updated on your CPB!
Have fun coding away on your iOS device without any cluncky cables :)
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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