A cyclorama is a surface that provides you with a uniform background. A cyclorama (also called a cyc, rhymes with “bike”) can vary in size from a tabletop (such as this one) to a warehouse (used for cars and other large objects). It’s really nothing more than a concave surface of uniform texture — it’s horizontally flat in the front and curves up to vertical in the background. The one we’re going to build here uses a lightweight frame of PVC pipe and a sheet of poster board, along with a few thin panels of MDF for extra rigidity. It costs about $20 in parts. If you are using a table that sits up against a wall, you can skip the PVC frame and simply tape the poster board to the wall and table in the appropriate shape. However, you may find the PVC frame gives you more flexibility because you can move around it. The added bonus is that it’s a good excuse to use power tools.
Parts List:
- 12ft of 3/4” Schedule 40 PCV pipe
- 6 90° elbows (3/4” sch. 40)
- 2 tee joints (3/4” sch. 40)
- 2’x4’ panel of 1/4” MDF (or 3/16” hardboard)
- 1 sheet of white posterboard (22”x28”) — get a few extra if you can.
- 2 small binder clips
Page last edited April 02, 2013
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