Another way to supplement your funding is by selling goods made by members or other associated hackers. Goods for sale might be things like artwork, kits, or finished products. Some Hackerspaces have online stores like Null Space Labs; Dallas Makerspace has a vending machine, and other Hackerspaces host events where goods are for sale.
Hackerspaces can sell a variety of goods things - not just stuff from members. You can also buy things in bulk or at a discount to resell for your space: Adafruit Industries has a Hackerspace program where you buy at a reseller discounted price, and then sell the items at full price or discounted to your membership.
Another option is selling your Hackerspace’s own fun schwag: gear, stickers and t-shirts with your logo, manifesto, or call to arms. If you dan’t want to keep stock sitting on a shelf in your space, use online print-on-demand stores like Zazzle or Cafe Press. Just remember to calculate in enough margin, or it may not be worth the effort.
Kits for sale at Cairo Hackerspace in Egypt. - Photo by Mitch Altman
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