Angled shot of a Adafruit LSM6DS33 + LIS3MDL - 9 DoF IMU with Accel / Gyro / Mag - STEMMA QT Qwiic.
This item is discontinued - you can grab Adafruit LSM6DS3 + LIS3MDL - Precision 9 DoF IMU
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Angled shot of 9-DOF breakout board.
Add high-quality motion, direction, and orientation sensing to your Arduino project with this all-in-one 9 Degree of Freedom (9-DoF) sensor with sensors from ST. This little...
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Angled shot of a Adafruit LSM6DSOX + LIS3MDL - Precision 9 DoF IMU - STEMMA QT / Qwiic.
Add high-quality motion, direction, and orientation sensing to your Arduino project with this all-in-one 9 Degree of Freedom (9-DoF) sensor with sensors from ST. This little...
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Angled shot of blue, rectangular, microcontroller.
The Adafruit Feather Bluefruit Sense takes our popular Feather nRF52840 Express and adds a smorgasbord of sensors...
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Animated GIF showing CLUE board  displaying data from the many on-board sensors.
Do you feel like you just don't have a CLUE? Well, we can help with that - get a CLUE here at Adafruit by picking up this sensor-packed development board. We wanted to build some...
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Angled Shot of the Adafruit 9-DOF Accel/Mag/Gyro+Temp Breakout Board - LSM9DS1
Add motion, direction and orientation sensing to your Arduino project with this all-in-one 9-DOF sensor. Inside the chip are three sensors, one is a classic 3-axis accelerometer, which...
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Angled shot of a Adafruit Precision NXP 9-DOF Breakout Board.
The NXP Precision 9DoF breakout combines two of the best motion sensors we've tested here at Adafruit: The FXOS8700 3-Axis accelerometer and magnetometer, and the...
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Video of a white hand moving a sensor around that connected to an OLED and a blue rectangular board.
Behold, the ST LSM6DSOX: The latest in a long line of quality Accelerometer+Gyroscope 6-DOF IMUs from ST.This IMU sensor has 6 degrees of freedom - 3 degrees each of linear...
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Video of a white hand moving a sensor around that connected to an OLED and a blue rectangular board.
Add motion and orientation sensing to your Arduino project with this affordable 6 Degree of Freedom (6-DoF) sensor with sensors from ST. The board includes an...
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Angled shot of a LIS3MDL Triple-axis Magnetometer breakout.
Sense the magnetic fields that surround us with this handy triple-axis magnetometer (compass) module. Magnetometers can sense where the strongest magnetic force is coming from,...
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