Want to create a quote for your business/school? Share your birthday wishlist with friends? Or just want to keep track of products you're interested in? You can use Adafruit's wishlist tool to do all three.

To create a wishlist sign up for and sign into your adafruit account.

To add items to your Wishlist go to the product page and click the "Add to Wishlist" button (NOT add to cart).

Then select which of your current wishlists you would like to add the product to or create a new wishlist by clicking on "Create New List"

By checking the box next to the wishlist, that product is automatically saved to that wishlist!

Access Wishlist


After adding all the items that you need to your wishlist, access your wishlists by clicking the "Wishlist" button in the top right corner of your screen. 

Then select the Wishlist that you wish to look at or alter.

Now that you selected a wishlist you can edit it, share it, duplicate it, get a quote or add it to your cart to purchase!

Duplicate The Wishlist

Want two wishlists with many of the same items? Click on "clone". Rename the Wishlist then click "save". Now you can edit the wishlist by adding and deleting items without needing to create it completely from scratch.


Simply click on "Clone".  The duplicated wishlist will be titled "My Super Duper Wishlist". You can rename the duplicated wishlist to whatever you like!

Share The Wishlist

If you would like to share the wishlist click on Public and press "Save Changes". This will generate a shareable link. Whoever you share the link with will be able to see your wishlist!


Edit The Wishlist

Want more than one of each product in the wishlist? Go ahead and change it! You can increase or decrease the quantity or completely delete items on this page.

Add Wishlist To Cart

 Once you are ready to purchase the items on your wishlist simply click "Add Items To Cart".

You can add the whole wishlist or select specific items!

To start, click on the Wishlist list you would like a quote for.

Then click "Get Quote"

This will pull up a screen with a list of your saved addresses. You can choose which billing and shipping address you want in the drop down boxes. If you do not see the address you prefer -  add or modify addresses in your address book. You can also select the shipping method you want.

Then just click "Generate Quote" to get the quote!

That's it! It will look like this!

To Add the Wishlist To Your Cart...

Once you are ready to purchase the items in your wishlist, simply click "Add All To Cart".

You can add the entire wishlist or select "Add to Cart" to add a specific item!

After adding it to your cart, you can proceed to checkout and complete your order to fulfill your wishlist!

This guide was first published on May 11, 2015. It was last updated on Mar 08, 2024.