To test the changes locally, you before creating a Pull Request, you can run a copy of the the website locally to see what everything looks like.
1. Open up a terminal or command prompt window.
2. You need "ruby" and "ruby-bundler" installed locally. Installation varies by system.
3. As needed, git submodule update --init --recursive
to fetch the submodules.
4. One time, run bundle config set path 'vendor/bundle' && bundle install
5. Run bundle exec jekyll serve 2>&1
to generate the site locally. The 2>&1
is optional and just suppresses a bunch of warning messages.
6. Visit the displayed server address in a browser.
After most local edits, the content will be updated. You will need to reload (ctrl-r/command-r or F5) your browser
Running Automated Checks
You can run the automated checks locally to verify it passes. You will first need to make sure you have the necessary packages installed on your system:
pip3 install python-frontmatter pillow python-dateutil
Make sure you are in the root folder of the repository, then you can run the checks:
python3 python3
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