You've designed a circuit board with microcontroller and it's CircuitPython compatible. Amazing! Wouldn't it be great to have CircuitPython automatically built for your board? We can help with that!
Adding a CircuitPython compatible board to CircuitPython means that the firmware will be automatically built for your board every time CircuitPython is updated - on merged pull requests, beta releases as well as final releases. This will enable you to easily use CircuitPython on your board without going through the build process every time, as well as allow for you to promote your board as easy to use with CircuitPython.
Best of all, it's free! We'll do it all for you once you've given us the information we need to do the builds. We'll also build every translated language as well, from Portugese to Pinyin.
This guide will walk through the process of adding a board to CircuitPython. You will need to be familiar with Git and GitHub to do this process. We have a great guide on Contributing to CircuitPython with Git and GitHub if you're unsure how to get started. This guide assumes you are either already familiar with or have gone through the guide for Git and GitHub.
You will begin by creating your own fork of CircuitPython and verifying you can build successfully. From there, you'll edit a series of files to match your board's configuration, and then create a pull request to have your changes added to CircuitPython. Once added, the firmware for your board will be automatically built.
Let's get started!
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