Gauge weigh with doh
Before mixing our putty, we'll first test the required amount of material we'll need to fill our part with a couple pieces of play-doh.
Press the doh into all of the voids in the design. Use your thumb to help press the doh into all of the corners.
Apply pressure to the part with your palms and remove any excess that doesn't fit inside to the part.
Lid Press
Use the 3d printed lid part to further help press doh in all of the available spaces in the negative.
Start by using your thumbs to press on the center of the lid and then continue pressing in an outward pattern.
Make sure the back of the mold is even and above the four walls on the stamp. We'll need an even back to adhere to the printed handle.
Weigh doh example
Now we can use the weight of the doh to measure the two part putty mixture for the mold.
To weight the doh, we used a general mailing scale for envelopes. Set the units to grams and make sure to measure on a level surface. Apply the doh on top to determine how much of the putty mixture we'll need.
Take several readings when measuring to make sure you have a correct reading.
Measure putty
Use the weight of the doh to measure a 1:1 mix ratio.
Our stamp weighed in at 8g, so we'll measure two 4g parts
Quickly add or remove putty and measure as needed.
Apply to negative
We'll have a 3 minute work time to mix the putty. Quickly and evenly mix both parts into a ball and then press the putty inside your mold part.
Use your thumbs to work the putty into all of the details and corners of the mold.
Reuse the lid to help compress the putty into the part. Just make sure to remove any doh from the previous use.
Curing the putty
The putty will need about 20 minutes to fully cure. You can check on the process by feeling the excess putty on the sides of the mold. Press on the edges with your fingernail to see if the putty has turned into a solid piece.
Peel off mold
If the putty feels fully cured, we can go ahead and peel the mold off the part. Carefully pick the mold off the negative by lifting one of the corners. Choose a corner that can pull the whole mold off the part without ripping the whole mold. If you pick at a corner and it starts to rip, allow it to cure a little while longer and then choose a different corner to peel.
Remove excess
Cut off all the excess on the mold with a pair of sharp scissors. Try to keep a straight angle to have an even back surface to attach to the 3d print handle.
Adhere stamp to handle
Now we can glue the stamp to our printed handle. We ended up using a gel super glue to adhere the stamp to the printed handle.
Both E600 and hot glue didn't allow the stamp to adhere.
Apply small drops of glue to each corner, on the flat side of the handle. Apply even drops to the center and then press the mold to adhere it to the handle.
We'll want to make sure to apply even pressure to all sides of the mold. Allow to glue to cure for about 15 mins before use.
Test the stamp with an ink pad bigger then the size of the stamp. We'll want all of the edges of the stamp to fit with in the ink pad.
Test pressure and ink
To achieve the best quality, we'll need to test the amount of pressure used when stamping our design. The amount of ink will also effect the quality of the imprint.
For example, the second picture shows that a harder pressure with less ink achieves the most detail for this design. The picture on top show more ink with a lighter pressure resolves more detail for the steve jobs stamp.
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