The 3D printed parts are fairly easy to make with most common home desktop 3D printers that are on the market.
And if you don’t have access a 3D printer, you can order our parts by visiting our Thingiverse page and have someone local 3D print the parts and ship them to you.
3D Files and Modifications
The parts were designed in Autodesk Fusion 360. If you're interested in modifying the parts, you can download the source file. If you're using different 3D modeling software, you can save it out as a STEP, IGS, OBJ and other file formats. The STLs can be downloaded "as is" from the repo sites listed below.
Slice Settings
Download the STL file and import it into your 3D printing slicing software. You'll need to adjust your settings accordingly if you're using material different than PLA.
- 220C Extruder Temp
- No heated bed (65C for heated)
- 90% Extrusion Multiplier
- .4mm Nozzle
- 0.4 Extrusion Width
- .15mm Layer Height
- 100% infill
- No Supports
- 4mm skirt (brim)
Printing on the edge
To achieve the highest quality possible, we'll need to orientate the mold so it prints on the flat edge of the wall.
Printers have a much higher resolution on the x and y axis then z.
To adhere the edges to the printing bed, we'll need to add 4 skirts outlines (2mm brim) to the bottom of the part. This will ensure parts properly attach to the bed while printing.
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