Keyswitches aren't breadboard/protoboard friendly, so we'll create a custom PCB (printed circuit board) to build the hexpad. This will also allow us to place reverse-mount NeoPixel LEDs under each key for glow-through action.
I used Fritzing to create the parts and PCB, although you could certainly do this in your favorite board CAD software, such as Eagle, KiCad, and others.
It was helpful for me to visualize the parts on a breadboard (despite the fact that you can't really use the keyswitches on a breadboard). Here you can see we have seven GPIO pin connections for the switches, and one connection for the NeoPixel data, along with power and ground.
Before creating the PCB layout it's a good idea to clearly lay out the schematic view. Note the use of net labels to keep things from getting too crowded with wires.
Custom PCB Shape
You can use a custom PCB shape in Fritzing by importing an .svg file into the board image parameter.
Here's a guide with many details on creating the .svg necessary.
PCB Design in Fritzing
This guide is an introduction to designing your PCB in Fritzing. The same techniques are used for the Hexboard.
Below you'll find the finished board and design files for download.
Order PCBs
This page goes through the details of verifying your design and exporting your Gerber files. If you want to use the pre-made files, download the .zip linked below.
There are lots of places to have your PCBs made -- I'm a fan of both OSHPark and JLCPCB in particular, and I know people who like PCBWay a lot too. I'd recommend OSHPark for your first boards as they have terrific customer service and a great UI for helping you through the process.
Head to and then drag your file onto the "Let's get started!" box. They'll ingest the zip, extract the files, and invite you to inspect the layers.
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