Here's a great demo by Astrophage:
Text Editor
Adafruit recommends using the Mu editor for editing your CircuitPython code. You can get more info in this guide.
Alternatively, you can use any text editor that saves simple text files.
Download the Project Bundle
Your project will use a specific set of CircuitPython libraries, and the file. To get everything you need, click on the Download Project Bundle link below, and uncompress the .zip file.
Drag the contents of the uncompressed bundle directory onto your board's CIRCUITPY drive, replacing any existing files or directories with the same names, and adding any new ones that are necessary.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 John Park for Adafruit # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Hexboard seven key modal note/chord pad for MIDI instruments # Runs on QT Py RP2040 # (other QT Pys should work, but the BOOT button is handy for initiating configuration) import time import board from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Pull import keypad import neopixel import rainbowio import usb_midi import adafruit_midi from adafruit_midi.note_on import NoteOn from adafruit_midi.note_off import NoteOff button = DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON) button.pull = Pull.UP num_switches = 7 leds = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.A0, num_switches, brightness=0.7) leds.fill(rainbowio.colorwheel(5)) # root_picked = False note = 0 root = 0 # defaults to a C # lists of modal intervals (relative to root). Customize these if you want other scales/keys major = (0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11) minor = (0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10) dorian = (0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10) phrygian = (0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10) lydian = (0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11) mixolydian = (0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10) locrian = (0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10) modes = [] modes.append(major) modes.append(minor) modes.append(dorian) modes.append(phrygian) modes.append(lydian) modes.append(mixolydian) modes.append(locrian) octv = 4 mode = 0 # default to major scale play_chords = True # default to play chords pre_notes = modes[mode] # initial mapping keymap = (4, 3, 5, 0, 2, 6, 1) # physical to logical key mapping # Key chart | logical |Interval chart example # 6 1 | 6 7 | 9 11 # 5 0 2 | 3 4 5 | 4 5 7 # 4 3 | 0 1 | 0 2 # MIDI Setup midi_usb_channel = 1 # change this to your desired MIDI out channel, 1-16 midi_usb = adafruit_midi.MIDI(midi_out=usb_midi.ports[1], out_channel=midi_usb_channel-1) # Keyswitch setup keyswitch_pins = (board.A3, board.A2, board.SDA, board.SCL, board.TX, board.RX, board.A1) keyswitches = keypad.Keys(keyswitch_pins, value_when_pressed=False, pull=True) def pick_mode(): print("Choose mode...") mode_picked = False # pylint: disable=global-statement global mode while not mode_picked: # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name keyswitch = # check for key events if keyswitch: if keyswitch.pressed: mode = keymap.index(keyswitch.key_number) # bottom left key is 0/major print("Mode is:", mode) if keyswitch.released: mode_picked = True leds.fill(rainbowio.colorwheel(8)) pick_octave() def pick_octave(): print("Choose octave...") octave_picked = False # pylint: disable=global-statement global octv while not octave_picked: if button.value is False: # pressed launch_config() time.sleep(0.1) # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name keyswitch = # check for key events if keyswitch: if keyswitch.pressed: octv = keymap.index(keyswitch.key_number) # get remapped position, lower left is 0 print("Octave is:", octv) if keyswitch.released: octave_picked = True leds.fill(rainbowio.colorwheel(16)) pick_root() def pick_root():# user selects key in which to play print("Choose root note...") root_picked = False # pylint: disable=global-statement global root while not root_picked: if button.value is False: # pressed launch_config() time.sleep(0.1) # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name keyswitch = # check for key events if keyswitch: if keyswitch.pressed: root = keymap.index(keyswitch.key_number) # get remapped position, lower left is 0 print("ksw:", keyswitch.key_number, "keymap index:", root) note = pre_notes[root] print("note:", note) midi_usb.send(NoteOn(note + (12*octv), 120)) root_notes.clear() # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name for mode_interval in range(num_switches): root_notes.append(modes[mode][mode_interval] + note) print("root note intervals:", root_notes) if keyswitch.released: note = pre_notes[root] midi_usb.send(NoteOff(note + (12*octv), 0)) root_picked = True leds.fill(0x0) leds[3] = rainbowio.colorwheel(12) leds[4] = rainbowio.colorwheel(5) pick_chords() def pick_chords(): print("Choose chords vs. single notes...") chords_picked = False # pylint: disable=global-statement global play_chords while not chords_picked: if button.value is False: # pressed launch_config() time.sleep(0.1) # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name keyswitch = # check for key events if keyswitch: if keyswitch.pressed: if keyswitch.key_number == 4: play_chords = True print("Chords are on") chords_picked = True playback_led_colors() if keyswitch.key_number == 3: play_chords = False print("Chords are off") chords_picked = True playback_led_colors() # create the interval list based on root key and mode that's been picked in variable root_notes = [] for mode_interval in range(num_switches): root_notes.append(modes[mode][mode_interval] + note) print("---Hexpad---") print("\nRoot note intervals:", root_notes) key_colors = (18, 10, 18, 26, 26, 18, 10) def playback_led_colors(): for i in range(num_switches): leds[i]=(rainbowio.colorwheel(key_colors[i])) time.sleep(0.1) playback_led_colors() # MIDI Note Message Functions def send_note_on(note_num): if play_chords is True: note_num = root_notes[note_num] + (12*octv) midi_usb.send(NoteOn(note_num, 120)) midi_usb.send(NoteOn(note_num + modes[mode][2], 80)) midi_usb.send(NoteOn(note_num + modes[mode][4], 60)) midi_usb.send(NoteOn(note_num+12, 80)) else: note_num = root_notes[note_num] + (12*octv) midi_usb.send(NoteOn(note_num, 120)) def send_note_off(note_num): if play_chords is True: note_num = root_notes[note_num] + (12*octv) midi_usb.send(NoteOff(note_num, 0)) midi_usb.send(NoteOff(note_num + modes[mode][2], 0)) midi_usb.send(NoteOff(note_num + modes[mode][4], 0)) midi_usb.send(NoteOff(note_num+12, 0)) else: note_num = root_notes[note_num] + (12*octv) midi_usb.send(NoteOff(note_num, 0)) def send_midi_panic(): for x in range(128): midi_usb.send(NoteOff(x, 0)) def launch_config(): print("-launching config-") send_midi_panic() leds.fill(rainbowio.colorwheel(5)) pick_mode() send_midi_panic() # turn off any stuck notes at startup while True: keyswitch = # check for key events if keyswitch: keyswitch_number=keyswitch.key_number if keyswitch.pressed: note_picked = keymap.index(keyswitch.key_number) send_note_on(note_picked) leds[keyswitch_number]=(rainbowio.colorwheel(10)) if keyswitch.released: note_picked = keymap.index(keyswitch.key_number) send_note_off(note_picked) leds[keyswitch_number]=(rainbowio.colorwheel(key_colors[keyswitch_number])) if button.value is False: # pressed launch_config() time.sleep(0.1)
You may already have a favorite software synth, and chances are it'll work with the Hexpad. In case you don't have one already picked out, here are some good ones to try.
iOS (with an OTG USB to Lightning adapter)
Chrome Web Browser
Linux / Windows / mac os
Once you've picked a synth, plug in your Hexpad and get playing!
Plug in a known good power and data USB-C cable to the Hexpad, and plug the other end into your computer or OTG adapter.
MIDI Device
It's very likely the synth will recognize it immediately, but if not, check the preferences and choose the "QT Py RP2040" MIDI device.
Now, press any keys or combinations to play! All notes will be "good" notes because of the scale mode.
If you want to change the mode, octave, root note, and the choice of modal chords vs. single notes, simply press the Boot button on the QT Py. You'll see a prompt for each step in a serial REPL window, but you can also do these steps without it.
These are the configuration steps and corresponding keys:
Mode Map
- key 0 = major
- key 1 = minor
- key 2 = dorian
- key 3 = phrygian
- key 4 = lydian
- key 5 = mixolydian
- key 6 = locrian
You can create other modes by editing the file directly.
Octave Map
The octaves correspond to the key numbers shown here. 4 or 3 are good places to start, but you can play super low or ultra high if you like!
Root Map
The key-to-note assignment will vary during play depending on the root note and mode. While in configuration mode on the root selection step, these are the assignments.
You can adjust these in code if you want sharps/flats.
Chord Mode
For polyphonic chord playback, press the chord key. For monophonic note playback, press the single key.
import time import board from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Pull import keypad import neopixel import rainbowio import usb_midi import adafruit_midi from adafruit_midi.note_on import NoteOn from adafruit_midi.note_off import NoteOff
Boot Button
The Boot button on the QT Py RP2040 can be used as a user button. You'll set it up so that it can be used later to initiate the configuration process.
button = DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON) button.pull = Pull.UP
num_switches = 7 leds = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.A0, num_switches, brightness=0.7) leds.fill(rainbowio.colorwheel(5))
Note and Mode Variables
A number of variables and lists are set up to store the note values and intervals of the scale modes.
note = 0 root = 0 # defaults to a C # lists of modal intervals (relative to root). Customize these if you want other scales/keys major = (0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11) minor = (0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10) dorian = (0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10) phrygian = (0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10) lydian = (0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11) mixolydian = (0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10) locrian = (0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10) modes = [] modes.append(major) modes.append(minor) modes.append(dorian) modes.append(phrygian) modes.append(lydian) modes.append(mixolydian) modes.append(locrian) octv = 4 mode = 0 # default to major scale play_chords = True # default to play chords pre_notes = modes[mode] # initial mapping keymap = (4, 3, 5, 0, 2, 6, 1) # physical to logical key mapping
midi_usb_channel = 1 # change this to your desired MIDI out channel, 1-16 midi_usb = adafruit_midi.MIDI(midi_out=usb_midi.ports[1], out_channel=midi_usb_channel-1)
Keyswitch Setup
The keyswitches are set up using the keypad library, with their GPIO pins selected in order so the physical placement will correspond to the logical key assignments 0-6.
keyswitch_pins = (board.A3, board.A2, board.SDA, board.SCL, board.TX, board.RX, board.A1) keyswitches = keypad.Keys(keyswitch_pins, value_when_pressed=False, pull=True)
Configuration Functions
These functions are used during optional configuration (initiated by the user by pressing the Boot button).
Note the use of while not mode_picked
(and others) to have the code wait for the user to press a button.
def pick_mode(): print("Choose mode...") mode_picked = False # pylint: disable=global-statement global mode while not mode_picked: # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name keyswitch = # check for key events if keyswitch: if keyswitch.pressed: mode = keymap.index(keyswitch.key_number) # bottom left key is 0/major print("Mode is:", mode) if keyswitch.released: mode_picked = True leds.fill(rainbowio.colorwheel(8)) pick_octave() def pick_octave(): print("Choose octave...") octave_picked = False # pylint: disable=global-statement global octv while not octave_picked: if button.value is False: # pressed launch_config() time.sleep(0.1) # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name keyswitch = # check for key events if keyswitch: if keyswitch.pressed: octv = keymap.index(keyswitch.key_number) # get remapped position, lower left is 0 print("Octave is:", octv) if keyswitch.released: octave_picked = True leds.fill(rainbowio.colorwheel(16)) pick_root() def pick_root():# user selects key in which to play print("Choose root note...") root_picked = False # pylint: disable=global-statement global root while not root_picked: if button.value is False: # pressed launch_config() time.sleep(0.1) # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name keyswitch = # check for key events if keyswitch: if keyswitch.pressed: root = keymap.index(keyswitch.key_number) # get remapped position, lower left is 0 print("ksw:", keyswitch.key_number, "keymap index:", root) note = pre_notes[root] print("note:", note) midi_usb.send(NoteOn(note + (12*octv), 120)) root_notes.clear() # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name for mode_interval in range(num_switches): root_notes.append(modes[mode][mode_interval] + note) print("root note intervals:", root_notes) if keyswitch.released: note = pre_notes[root] midi_usb.send(NoteOff(note + (12*octv), 0)) root_picked = True leds.fill(0x0) leds[3] = rainbowio.colorwheel(12) leds[4] = rainbowio.colorwheel(5) pick_chords() def pick_chords(): print("Choose chords vs. single notes...") chords_picked = False # pylint: disable=global-statement global play_chords while not chords_picked: if button.value is False: # pressed launch_config() time.sleep(0.1) # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name keyswitch = # check for key events if keyswitch: if keyswitch.pressed: if keyswitch.key_number == 4: play_chords = True print("Chords are on") chords_picked = True playback_led_colors() if keyswitch.key_number == 3: play_chords = False print("Chords are off") chords_picked = True playback_led_colors() def launch_config(): print("-launching config-") send_midi_panic() leds.fill(rainbowio.colorwheel(5)) pick_mode()
root_notes = [] for mode_interval in range(num_switches): root_notes.append(modes[mode][mode_interval] + note)
LED Colors
These are the color assignments per NeoPixel, all specified as values in the rainbowio.colorwheel
They are all set when the Hexpad is in playback mode (at start and after configuration) with the playback_led_colors()
key_colors = (18, 10, 18, 26, 26, 18, 10) def playback_led_colors(): for i in range(num_switches): leds[i]=(rainbowio.colorwheel(key_colors[i])) time.sleep(0.1)
Note Functions
These functions are used for playing notes/chords as well as sending MIDI panic at reset to turn off all notes.
def send_note_on(note_num): if play_chords is True: note_num = root_notes[note_num] + (12*octv) midi_usb.send(NoteOn(note_num, 120)) midi_usb.send(NoteOn(note_num + modes[mode][2], 80)) midi_usb.send(NoteOn(note_num + modes[mode][4], 60)) midi_usb.send(NoteOn(note_num+12, 80)) else: note_num = root_notes[note_num] + (12*octv) midi_usb.send(NoteOn(note_num, 120)) def send_note_off(note_num): if play_chords is True: note_num = root_notes[note_num] + (12*octv) midi_usb.send(NoteOff(note_num, 0)) midi_usb.send(NoteOff(note_num + modes[mode][2], 0)) midi_usb.send(NoteOff(note_num + modes[mode][4], 0)) midi_usb.send(NoteOff(note_num+12, 0)) else: note_num = root_notes[note_num] + (12*octv) midi_usb.send(NoteOff(note, 0)) def send_midi_panic(): for x in range(128): midi_usb.send(NoteOff(x, 0))
Main Loop
The program checks for keyswitch events and plays/releases the corresponding notes. You can press multiple keys to send chords and even "chords of chords".
The main loop also checks for the boot button to be pressed to launch configuration.
while True: keyswitch = # check for key events if keyswitch: keyswitch_number=keyswitch.key_number if keyswitch.pressed: note_picked = keymap.index(keyswitch.key_number) send_note_on(note_picked) leds[keyswitch_number]=(rainbowio.colorwheel(10)) if keyswitch.released: note_picked = keymap.index(keyswitch.key_number) send_note_off(note_picked) leds[keyswitch_number]=(rainbowio.colorwheel(key_colors[keyswitch_number])) if button.value is False: # pressed launch_config() time.sleep(0.1)
Text editor powered by tinymce.