Robotics has been tough to get into. Be it initial planning, software requirements, expensive hardware, and endless integration. We've been there, even poor Ladyada and her MIT robotics class back in the day.
Today, robotics does not have to take extensive planning, arcane software, expensive hardware or anything else! Seriously! How is this so?
Today's modern innovations have all come together to bring robotics to the level that anyone can do sitting down in one session. Be that at your kitchen table, workbench, or in a classroom. In any of these settings, with some simple parts and any common computer, you can easily accomplish what is presented in this guide.
This may seem like a lot of pages for a "Hello World" introductory guide. We added pages for each step to ensure we cover things, so it's not a huge amount of information, it's just step by step to get you going on the right foot!
Other Parts You'll Need
But feel free to improvise!
1 x drink straw (preferably), or popsicle stick, or plastic spoon
2 x bit of tape
1 x paper: plain or printed (a sample graphic is in this guide)
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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