Nope! All of our displays have pure-digital input decoders. They're not suitable for FPV displays where you want the display to go fuzzy instead of cut out.
All of the displays auto-turn on when power is applied. It goes to whatever was last selected so you have to set it up once then every time its power cycled it will come up automatically.
Please note that there might be a 'rattle' when shaking this display, due a small piece of non-conductive plastic that gets pushed into the enclosure during assembly. It's not harmful to the display or affect performance
The RTD2660H based drivers have a 4:3 ratio mode that will squish the display down to 4:3, which some people with older devices seem to need! We have not actually tested it but have heard reports it works well
The RTD2668 based drivers (HDMI+Audio) say they have a 4:3 mode but when you try to switch it over, nothing happens to the display so we don't think it really works!
The HDMI drivers all have an 'EDID' that tells the computer/HDMI host what resolution it prefers (the native resolution)
You may need to manually set this resolution on some computers, the Raspberry Pi for example does best if you 'force' it using the config.txt which is included on the page for each display
You can send a higher or lower resolution image and the HDMI driver will automatically scale it down or up. However it wont look as good because of the scaling! For the best look, especially crisp text, use the native rez!
You can't! Resolution for HDMI/VGA/Composite is always set by the video emitter. If the resolution isn't right on the monitor, go to your computer/console system prefs!
First, make sure it is powered and connect HDMI to your computer, make sure you see the LED is green which means it is getting good HDMI signal! press S5 and wait 5 seconds after pressing, to switch from HDMI to VGA to AV1 to AV2 and back to HDMI
then press these buttons, wait about 1 second between presses!
S2 S3 S3 S2 S2 S3 S2
where S1 is the switch closest to the green LED, S5 is the farthest from the green LED
You can also try
- Power
- Menu
- +
- +
- Menu
- Menu
- -
- Menu
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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