The sound of the original toy was very poorly chosen by the manufacturer. I made sure my colleagues agreed that I was not being a perfectionist or forcing a mod where one is not needed. You can paint the original toy and call it good, but when the sound comes out it does not sound like Han's blaster in the movies.
For loading a new sound onto the Sound FX board, you can look on the Internet for a suitable wav file. While I cannot post my favorite file as some sounds may be copyright, I did find the Kiwi Nuts Web site valuable. When you find the effect you want, play it and be sure it plays out the left speaker on your computer like you want it to sound in the prop.
Make a copy of the file, naming it T01.wav (that is T zero one dot wav). This will play once when activated on the Sound FX pin 1 (which we connected the trigger switch to). Other types of behavior may be achieved (repeat, chained files, etc.) by adjusting the name of the wav file as noted in the Sound FX board tutorial.
Without a LiPo battery connected to the board, plug the Sound FX breakout into your PC via a USB cable. The board will show up like a flash memory (thumb) drive. Copy the T01.wav sound file to this drive (which will place it onto the Sound FX board). Then disconnect the Sound FX board (in Windows, use the "Safely Remove USB Device" icon in the lower right of the screen). That's it, the sound is loaded. That was easy.
Now power the circuit with a charged LiPo battery. Activate the trigger switch (you can press firmly on the silver bubble on the original trigger circuit board).
- If you hear the sound loud and clear, congratulations, continue to the next page.
- If you hear the sound and it is not loud, be sure the amplifier is set to provide maximum amplification.
If you do not hear any sound:
- Be sure the speaker is hooked up to the amplifier outputs.
- Be sure the Sound FX board is getting power from a fresh LiPo battery.
- Be sure you loaded the sound file onto the Sound FX board per the Sound FX tutorial.
- Check the wire connections per the Wiring the New Electronics page.
- If all looks well, it could be the trigger board. Take a jumper wire (bare at both ends) and connect between ground and the Sound FX trigger pin 1 (one and not zero or another pin). If this works, be sure the soldering of the trigger board is good. You can always use another switch assembly for the trigger but modding the original saves components and it fits in the plastic housing without adjustment.
Page last edited December 07, 2014
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