HalloWing Faceplate
The HalloWing PCB is secured to the 3d printed face plate without any machine screws. Four built-in standoffs elevate the PCB and two clips holds it down.
Start by orienting the HalloWing PCB with the face plate. Position the PCB over the faceplate with the screen facing down. Insert the PCB into the clips by sliding it into place – PCB may need to be slightly angled. Press down on the PCB so the pegs in the standoffs go through the two mounting holes.
Connect Speaker
Grab the pico blade connector from the speaker and plug it into the port on the back of the HalloWing. The side with the two distinct tabs faces up with the PCB.
Install Face Plate to Enclosure
Place the speaker over the HalloWing PCB. Line up the faceplate with the case and lay it on top of the opening. Press the faceplate into the case so the lips are inserted. The two edges snap fit and "click" into place.
Install Speaker
Open the back door of the case by pushing it outwards. The inside has a cavity designed to house the mini oval speaker. Place the speaker into the cavity and press down. Optionally, remove the protective backing by peeling it off – Sticky adhesive is lined on the outline.
Close Door
With the speaker secured to the door, close it back up by pressing down on the edge – The nub will engage the latch inside of the case. To reopen press the door open from the inside. Use both hands and fingers to carefully open and close the door, the latch might get damaged if the door is pressed all the way through.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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