Now that Halloween is (soon to be) past, what are you going to do with that HalloWing that you used in a project to scare tricker-treaters with? Well, if you have a black cat left over from the night's entertainments (actually, any sort of cat will do, the author's just happens to be black because, well, black cats are awesome) then you can make use of the HalloWing and keep the cat entertained with this project.

You'll need two of these JST cables. Male or female, it doesn't matter since you'll be clipping the ends off.
Any color of the silicone wire will do. It's great stuff to work with so you might find you want all the colors.
- Hot glue & glue gun
- Solder and soldering iron
You may also need something to give weight to the very bottom of the bowl so that it will always return to an upright position. Something that won't present a danger of shorting out the electronics and can be glued into the bottom.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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