OK so back to our motor. We are ready to start sending data to it via the Control endpoint. For Mac and Linux type computers, a driver isn't necessary to send or receive data directly via USB.
For windows, however, there must be some sort of driver to 'grab' the device for us. Usually drivers are complex and have like, interfaces that plug into the operating system. Like the cameras would show up as a camera device, the microphones as an audio device. We're not quite ready for a detailed driver, what we'll do is make a 'shell driver' which has no operating system capabilities but does let us send commands to it from software.
Again, Mac/Linux people have this built into the OS kernel so skip this part if you don't use windows.
For our shell, we'll use libusb a USB library, which is available for windows as libusb-win32 go there and download it.
We'll run the inf-wizard (which will make our driver shell)
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