Encoder 0 controls the volume of the synth. If you press the encoder switch it will mute the synth.
LFO Rate (Tremolo)
Encoder 1 controls the LFO rate. If you press the encoder button it enables or disables the LFO.
Note Octave
Encoder 2 controls the note frequencies. Turning the encoder increases or decreases the octave range of the guitar. Pressing the encoder button switches between triad or diatonic mode.
Strum Mode
If strum mode is enabled, it plays the currently pressed synth note. If strum mode is not enabled, then pressing the NeoKey switches will play the synth.
Audio Mode
If audio mode is enabled, the output will switch from the on-board speaker to the TRRS jack.
The accelerometer controls whether a high pass or low pass filter is applied to the synth. If the guitar is tilted up, a high pass filter is enabled. If the guitar is tilted down, a low pass filter is enabled. The filter frequency and resonance are affected by the readings from the accelerometer.
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