Cook your meats and non-meats with ultimate instrumentation! The Grill Thermometer Dashboard lets you monitor common Bluetooth LE temperature probes over the internet -- thanks to the dual BLE/WiFi capabilities of the Feather ESP32-S3 board!
Keep an eye on the grill temperatures from the comfort of your air conditioned home on your computer -- or on your phone while you soak in the pool! Any internet capable device can be used to monitor your Adafruit IO web-based dashboard.
Simple CircuitPython code allows you to grab the temperatures reported over Bluetooth and pass them along to an Adafruit IO dashboard via MQTT on your WiFi network.
What time is it? Grilled foods time.
Bluetooth BBQ Thermometer
You'll need a Bluetooth BBQ thermometer such as the one seen here that uses the iBBQ BLE service -- most manufacturers don't advertise which service they use, but this is a very common one.
InkBird and EasyBBQ from PyleUSA are brands to look for.
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