Before You Start
This guide uses Arduino code and the FastLED library to run an animation on the TFT screen and a color palette animation on your NeoPixel strip.
First you'll need to get your Hallowing set up. Follow the instructions from the Hallowing guide here.
You'll only need to do all this once, so be a little patient if it seems like a lot! Once you can successfully upload code to your Hallowing, come back here and continue.
FastLED Library
You'll also need to be sure the FastLED Arduino library is installed. In Arduino, choose Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries
and search for FastLED. Be sure the latest version is installed, then restart Arduino.
Upload Code
Once you've got everything installed, it's time to upload the code.
Download all 3 files and place them in the same folder on your hard drive.
Plug your Hallowing into your computer and select the Hallowing under Tools > Boards
. Then select your Hallowing as the Port.
Open Glowing_Mirror_Mask.ino
Code Modifications
This code by Phil Burgess includes two different animations for the TFT screen: a rainbow butterfly and a burning flame. Find this code near the beginning of the sketch and uncomment ONE of the two animations.
// Enable ONE of these lines to select an animation, // others MUST be commented out! //#include "fire.h" #include "butterfly.h"
You can also select from several color palettes for your NeoPixel strip. Look a little further down in the code and find this section, then uncomment the color palette you want to use.
currentPalette = RainbowColors_p; //Uncomment ONE of these lines to choose your Neopixel color palette //currentPalette = HeatColors_p; //currentPalette = PartyColors_p; //currentPalette = CloudColors_p; //currentPalette = RainbowStripeColors_p; //currentPalette = ForestColors_p; //currentPalette = OceanColors_p;
Once you have the correct TFT image and color palette selected, upload the code to your Hallowing.
If your code won't upload to your Hallowing, here are a couple things to try:
- With your Hallowing plugged into your computer, double click the reset button, then try uploading again
- Be sure the Hallowing board is selected from your list of boards in Arduino. If you don't see it there, head back to this guide and be sure it's installed.
- Double check you have the latest version of FastLED installed. Here's a direct link to the library we tested with -- earlier versions won't work with Hallowing
- If your computer doesn't see the Hallowing board, restart your computer or try using a different USB port.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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