Video of a round microcontroller with lit up LEDs.
Would you like to learn electronics, with an all-in-one board that has sensors and LEDs built in? Circuit Playground is here - and it's the best way to practice...
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Magnetic Pin Back
These magnetic pin backs have two pieces: a metal bar with adhesive strip and a plastic piece with two strong rare-earth magnets. Affix the metal bar to your FLORA projects-- it's...
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Front angled shot of 3 x AAA battery holder with on-off switch and 2-pin JST PH connector.
This battery holder connects 3 AAA batteries together in series for powering all kinds of projects. We spec'd these out because the box is slim, and 3 AAA's add up to about...
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Angled shot of 2 Alkaline AAA batteries.
Battery power for your portable project! These batteries are good quality at a good price, and work fantastic with any of the kits or projects in the shop that use AAA's. This...
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Lithium Ion Polymer Battery 3.7v 1200mAh with JST 2-PH connector
Lithium-ion polymer (also known as 'lipo' or 'lipoly') batteries are thin, light, and powerful. The output ranges from 4.2V when completely charged to 3.7V. This...
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Adafruit Micro-Lipo Charger for LiPo/LiIon Batt w/MicroUSB Jack connected to battery.
Oh so handy, this little lipo charger is so small and easy to use you can keep it on your desk or mount it easily into any project! Simply plug it via any MicroUSB cable into a USB...
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Spool of PLA filament for 3D printers - natural translucent color with 1.75mm Diameter.
Having a 3D printer without filament is sort of like having a regular printer without paper or ink.  And while a lot of printers come with some filament there's a good chance...
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Micro 3D Printer
The magic of 3D printing is now more affordable and accessible than ever! Meet The Micro 3D Printer by M3D, the first truly...
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