NeoPixel Strip
- Circuit Playground VOUT --> NeoPixel +
- Circuit Playground G --> NeoPixel G
- Circuit Playground A1 --> NeoPixel DIN
Wire in your power terminal midway down your strip of LEDs for the most even distribution of power.
- Circuit Playground VOUT --> Speaker POWER
- Circuit Playground G --> Speaker G
- Circuit Playground A0 --> Speaker SIGNAL
If you're using two speakers, plug the second into the first with your 3-pin STEMMA connector.
Capacitive Touch Board
- Circuit Playground 3.3V --> MPR121 POWER
- Circuit Playground G --> MPR121 G
- Circuit Playground SCL --> MPR121 SCL
- Circuit Playground SDA --> MPR121 SDA
- Pins 1-11 are connected to the capacitive touch pads on the bottles.
I also wired the additional G pin on the MPR121 directly into the power terminal G. The more grounding you can get, the better this board works.
If you don't care about the musical setup and just want to make a pretty light display, here's a simplified wiring diagram without all the fancy capacitive touch and sound elements.
NeoPixel Strip
- Circuit Playground VOUT --> NeoPixel +
- Circuit Playground G --> NeoPixel G
- Circuit Playground A1 --> NeoPixel DIN
Wire in your power terminal midway down your strip of LEDs for the most even distribution of power.
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